In this e-guide, you will learn more about leveraging DevOps to automate processes between development and IT teams, the importance of testing to keep internet of things devices safe from prying eyes and how one company has made use of open source software to automate the roll-out of application changes.
This white paper explains the benefits of On Demand Business, standards-based development and SOA as a part of product offerings and how SOA has shifted from concept to a viable approach to managing disparate IT resources.
Generating reports from Java applications has traditionally been a difficult task with heavy coding effort in development and maintenance. Even where graphical tools are provided, users must learn how to use a new and sometimes cumbersome tool.
Discover how to build Web 2.0 applications quickly and easily. This download comes with everything you need to start creating service-oriented applications: built-in Web server, database, sample applications and a step-by-step tutorial.
Using benchmarks and code samples throughout to anchor the discussion, this paper explores how Quercus - Caucho's Java implementation of PHP - can perform faster than the standard Apache-based PHP both in synthetic benchmarks and real-world applications. The results are quite impressive.
With the integration world moving from rigid, static EAI to dynamic, loosely coupled SOA and the evolution from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, these two technological fronts are poised to come together.
Posted: 03 Nov 2006 | Premiered: Nov 1, 2006, 09:00 EST (14:00 GMT)
To meet the increased business demands for collaboration, integration, and internet-based services, many organizations are beginning to look at an infrastructure strategy based on Service Oriented Architecture.
This paper focuses on the role developers can play in solving Web application security issues, and it details how IBM Rational® AppScan® Developer Edition software can enable them to do so.