Learn how consolidated remote server management technologies such as Avocent service processor managers can provide the increased service availability that your business demands.
With energy prices on a steep climb, soon the cost to power and cool a server over its life span could equal its purchase price. By “going green” with energy-efficient IBM® System x™ servers featuring Intel® Xeon® processors, you can win back control of your IT budget--and win the battle with data center...
By replacing aging single-core processor-based servers with new, more energy-efficient servers, you can gain capacity to grow and to increase IT performance using fewer servers. The estimated cost savings from energy and other operating cost efficiencies can pay for new servers in a an estimated 8 months.
The National Museum of Computing has trawled the Computer Weekly archives for another selection of articles highlighting significant articles published in the month of June over the past few decades.
The SAP Upgrade Assessment for SAP ERP service delivers the expert advice and assistance you need to upgrade to a new release of the SAP ERP application. Read this whitepaper to learn which of the four different options is right for you.
In this paper Marc Staimer presents one of the biggest issues decision makers tasked with managing storage budgets that aren't growing at the same rate as their data.
This brochure shows how you can be a superhero by making WebSphere MQ the messaging backbone for your SOA, creating a common connection for the free flow of information.
As data centers reach the upper limits of their power and cooling capacity, efficiency has become the focus of extending the life of existing data centers and designing new ones. As part of these efforts, IT needs to refresh existing infrastructure with servers that deliver more performance and scalability, more efficiently. Read on to learn more.