In this paper, learn about tools being developed to balance workload and improve thermal management in the data center. Access now to discover predictive information - combined with server virtualization, a service-oriented architecture and digital power and operating system controls - can optimize operating efficiencies and reduce costs by 20-30%.
Enterprise CIOs are adopting green IT and other new technologies to improve data center efficiencies. In this ebook learn more about how IT organizations are using green IT, virtualization, storage capacity planning and even cloud computing to realize energy savings and lower hardware and power costs in the data center.
Server virtualization provides liquidity to IT by delivering improved hardware utilization, physical server consolidation, increased availability and lower data center operating costs.
This four-part webcast demonstrates the necessity for a proper storage management solution, such as Northern Storage Suite, in an organization's storage infrastructure. They'll review how NSS can reclaim wasted capacity, control user behavior, getting your end-users on-board with saving capacity and how to properly plan for future storage needs.
Global file virtualization is changing network storage management. Learn about a solution that allows organizations to easily simplify management, increase utilization, resolve performance bottlenecks, leverage tiered storage and lower TCO.
This paper discusses in detail the sizing features implemented in Dell Exchange 2007 Advisor Tool and deployment guidance for three reference architectures of small, medium and large Exchange environments.
Demand Management (DM) is a component of a full-featured Project Portfolio Management (PPM) practice. Demand comes from many sources and all phases of the project lifecycle. Capacity management must consider all of these.
Learn how VMware Infrastructure and IBM BladeCenter deliver maximum server consolidation, resulting in increased server utilization, reduced hardware requirements, reduced operating costs and improved IT staff productivity.