In this week's Computer Weekly, AI-generated disinformation and misinformation will be the top risks for businesses, governments and the public over the next two years, according to the WEF. Intel's CTO discusses the chip maker's plans for the European market. And we examine the dearth of digital skills among elected officials. Read the issue now.
Companies need extensive plans to successfully protect themselves from ransomware attacks. These 'five W's of ransomware' will help organizations ask the right questions when creating a ransomware-specific disaster recovery plan.
Across industries, companies are using predictive analytics to forecast future trends and actions. Learn about the most popular use cases for predictive analytics.
In this E-Guide we will explore four separate aspects of this wide-ranging topic area, beginning with a look ahead at some of the most impactful and significant data privacy trends likely to affect your risk and compliance strategy during 2022.
Modern paper processes are ripping up the rule book. In this 13-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at risk mitigation, security measures for connected printers and the shift towards end-to-end digitisation.
Managing data compliance and security has emerged as an integral business consideration. In this 15-page buyer's guide, Computer Weekly looks at the rise of integrated risk management, security risks in the age of digitisation and how to manage an integrated approach
Standard file and block storage have their places, but there is an increasing move to object storage to meet the governance, risk and compliance needs of organisations, while also providing enhanced information management capabilities, say analysts Clive Longbottom and Marcus Austin.
In this week's issue we investigate the hidden threats lurking in every company and discuss what options CIOs and heads of security have to limit damage. We also look at three ways CIOs can fund digital initiatives. Plus, with the shift from traditional desktop IT, what is the future of Windows in a multi-device world?
The enterprise perimeter's demise is in part due to BYOD. Leverage this expert handbook to uncover an effective approach to constructing your IT security "fortress" and replacing the outdated idea of a security perimeter.
State and local governments are under attack from cyberespionage and malware, and they are exposed to a broad variety of security risks. New approaches are needed to make government IT less vulnerable. In this infographic, learn 7 best practices for cybersecurity in state and local governments.