eMarketplace Reports

IT Decision Checklist: Messaging Security
sponsored by TechTarget Security
EGUIDE: Read this paper to learn how companies face complicated buying decisions when it comes to buying messaging security, the most important being whether to go with an on-premise solution, a SaaS offering in the cloud, or both.
Posted: 03 Mar 2010 | Published: 03 Mar 2010

TechTarget Security

Step up Your Game. Global Delivery Capabilities for the Electronics Industry
sponsored by IBM Line of Business
WHITE PAPER: How can your business meet the ever-increasing demands of end users and still make a healthy profit? IBM takes a look at innovation's role in driving business objectives and helping electronics enterprises move forward.
Posted: 17 Jun 2008 | Published: 17 Jun 2008

IBM Line of Business

Data Monetization Strategies: Make and Save Money With Data and Analytics
sponsored by Information Builders
WHITE PAPER: Are you sitting on your data with no plan? Do you know how to capitalize on information you already have? This whitepaper dives into the world of profiting from data. Access now to discover 4 essential steps to getting started, as well as challenges to overcome and a discussion on the importance of data integrity.
Posted: 26 Oct 2015 | Published: 26 Oct 2015

Information Builders

Bridge the Gap Between Business and IT with Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite 6
sponsored by Red Hat
WHITE PAPER: In this resource, discover a BPM suite that helps bridge the gap between business and IT, empowering non-technical and technical users alike to define and manage business processes across the enterprise
Posted: 18 Apr 2014 | Published: 30 Sep 2013

Red Hat

Big Data in Big Companies
sponsored by Red Hat
WHITE PAPER: Explore the following white paper to join analytics pioneer, Tom Davenport, as he reveals the findings of how big data fits into the data and analytics infrastructure of 20 large organizations. Find out how these companies are handling big data, the tools and skill sets used to maximize ROI, and what the future holds with analytics 3.0.
Posted: 17 Apr 2014 | Published: 21 Apr 2014

Red Hat

How to Align Enterprise BPM with Goals, Not Personalities
sponsored by MicroPact
EGUIDE: This expert e-guide provides tips and best practices for aligning enterprise BPM with the goals of the organization instead of the personalities.
Posted: 17 Jun 2014 | Published: 17 Jun 2014


Improve Business Agility by Adopting These 10 Attributes
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: In this expert e-guide, you'll discover the 10 attributes of a successful business agility strategy, as well as how business executives (not just CIOs) are using Agile-based stand-up meetings to foster a productive and collaborative business culture.
Posted: 03 Dec 2014 | Published: 03 Dec 2014


ERP Curveballs: Cost, Customization, Cloud
sponsored by TechTarget Data Management
EBOOK: To have the fastest, agile, most profitable business, companies are going to have to keep up. And Cloud ERP is just one shift to understand -- now, not tomorrow. Learn what trends to manage against and what hassles to avoid.
Posted: 07 Feb 2014 | Published: 07 Feb 2014

TechTarget Data Management

Improve Business Agility by Adopting these 10 Attributes
sponsored by Kofax from Lexmark
EGUIDE: In this expert e-guide, learn 10 attributes that set agile organizations apart. Also explore the essential aspects of stand-up meetings and the substantial results they can provide.
Posted: 11 Feb 2016 | Published: 08 Feb 2016

Kofax from Lexmark

Dynamic Business - From Aspiration to Reality
sponsored by Microsoft India
WHITE PAPER: This resource examines how you can make your organization a dynamic business with the right set of innovative and proactive applications and tools.
Posted: 19 Dec 2013 | Published: 19 Mar 2013

Microsoft India