Brands such as Airbnb disrupt industries and change how consumers think about the market, according to this research from Cass Business School, City University London.
When the war between Hamas and Israel began, cyber security professionals and major government and private organisations braced for an inevitable accompanying online war. In this issue of CW EMEA, we outline cyber war, patterns of threat activity, and find out what security teams can do to protect their organisations. Read the issue now.
In this report, Bloor Research explores how Sybase IQ is well positioned to compete with both traditional and appliance vendors. Learn how Sybase IQ has strengths in particular areas but its overall capabilities allow it to compete across the board.
Visual representations are a fundamental component of human learning and understanding. To study the impact of data visualization, we must first look to the past and see how our ways of shaping and representing data have changed over time. This paper traces the history of visual representation, from cave drawings to the computer revolution.
Find out how the strategy, adoption and use of big data has changed over the last year, and uncover the key findings of a recent survey.
Watch this video to see how IBM is helping research organizations take advantage of cloud computing solutions to help these groups do more with less.
This paper addresses new market forces that are compelling them to consider a range of alternatives, including outsourcing and offshore opportunities.
Learn how to build a business case for social media outlets affecting customer relations and customer communities including Facebook and Twitter, as well as what social media means for CRM, best practices for managing online customer communities, and expert advice on implementing social media programs successfully.