Data Recovery Reports

E-Guide: Changing Data Backup Software Applications: Tips, Types & Recommendations
sponsored by EMC Corporation
EGUIDE: In this expert e-guide, storage guru Brien Posey will offer insight into the critical considerations one must take before making the switch to a new backup product. Learn about the different types of backups, what you need to think about during the switch, and which backup type is best for your organization’s needs.
Posted: 29 Sep 2011 | Published: 29 Sep 2011

EMC Corporation

Driving Down Enterprise Storage TCO with the IBM XIV Storage System
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This comprehensive white paper explores how the IBM XIV system's unique architecture and approach to storage enable it to accomplish a better bottom line for you and your business.
Posted: 26 Sep 2011 | Published: 26 Sep 2011


The Complete Guide to Backup and Recovery for the SMB
sponsored by Nexsan
WHITE PAPER: Small and mid-sized businesses are a market that has been underserved by data protection software, appliances and online backup services until the last few years.Yet, these organizations have the same needs as large enterprises to protect their data. Full-time, dedicated IT resources are often beyond their means.
Posted: 23 Sep 2011 | Published: 23 Sep 2011


E-Guide: Best Bets for Backup: How to Choose a Dedupe Method
sponsored by EMC Corporation
EGUIDE: This expert e-guide discusses what you need to know to choose the right deduplication technology for your backup and recovery needs by outlining 5 different types of dedupe.
Posted: 22 Sep 2011 | Published: 22 Sep 2011

EMC Corporation

E-Guide: Best bets for backup: How to optimize your storage
sponsored by EMC Corporation
EGUIDE: Check out this expert e-guide to learn backup best practices, when it makes sense to make a major upgrade, and how to figure out what may be slowing down your backup systems and how to fix it.
Posted: 22 Sep 2011 | Published: 22 Sep 2011

EMC Corporation

IT Without Limits: Evaluator Group' Analysis of HP Peer Motion with Storage Federation
sponsored by HPE and Intel®
WHITE PAPER: This white paper sponsored by HP & Intel evaluates a solution that aims to enable the movement of data without physical limitations. Read now and see how this could enable agility and efficiency.
Posted: 22 Sep 2011 | Published: 22 Sep 2011

HPE and Intel®

E-Guide: Backups and archives: What’s the scoop?
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: This expert e-guide explores the differences between a backup and an archive. Also discover five of the most common IBM Tivoli Storage Manger backup errors and how to prevent them.
Posted: 22 Sep 2011 | Published: 22 Sep 2011


When Good Backups Go Bad: Data Recovery Failures and What to Do About Them
sponsored by Symantec Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Read this white paper to explore how to make sure your backup and recovery system protects all of your data, all of the time.
Posted: 21 Sep 2011 | Published: 20 Sep 2011

Symantec Corporation

Disaster recovery planning for HIPAA compliance
sponsored by HP & Intel®
EGUIDE: The HIPAA Security Rule requires all HIPAA covered entities to create a plan for first protecting and then restoring confidential patient data in the event of a disaster. Unfortunately, HIPAA does not say much about what should go into such a disaster recovery plan. Inside this e-guide, find tips for a compliant disaster recovery plan.
Posted: 19 Sep 2011 | Published: 19 Sep 2011

HP & Intel®

E-Guide: Choosing a Data Archiving Strategy: Disk, Tape or Both?
sponsored by Symantec Corporation
EGUIDE: Today’s organizations typically have three data archiving strategies they can choose from: disk archiving, tape archiving or a combination of both. This E-Guide offers insight into the advantages and disadvantages of each method, how to choose the best approach, and  the best and worst practices of data archives.
Posted: 16 Sep 2011 | Published: 16 Sep 2011

Symantec Corporation

The secrets of highly effective data governance programs
sponsored by Pitney Bowes Group 1 Software
EBOOK: The first key to a successful data governance program is ensuring user and organization expectations. To find out more secret advice for highly effective data governance programs read this expert e-Book. Our editorial team has gathered tips, techniques and best practices to plan a successful data governance plan.
Posted: 16 Sep 2011 | Published: 16 Sep 2011

Pitney Bowes Group 1 Software

Essential Guide to Solid-State Storage Implementation Choices
sponsored by TechTarget Storage
EGUIDE: This expert e-guide details what you need to know about solid state storage, including pros and cons, case studies, vendor information, and more.
Posted: 15 Sep 2011 | Published: 14 Sep 2011

TechTarget Storage

Data Quality Considerations in Master Data Management Structure
sponsored by Pitney Bowes Group 1 Software
WHITE PAPER: This white paper discusses the challenges, solutions and importance of data management consolidation within an organization.
Posted: 13 Sep 2011 | Published: 13 Sep 2011

Pitney Bowes Group 1 Software

Data Quality: The Foundation of Operational Effectiveness
sponsored by Pitney Bowes Group 1 Software
WHITE PAPER: This white paper discusses the importance of data quality operations and how to successfully implement a data quality strategy into your organization.
Posted: 13 Sep 2011 | Published: 13 Sep 2011

Pitney Bowes Group 1 Software

FAQ Guide: Regulatory Compliance Issues Drive Some IT Shops to Data Archive Appliances
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: Check out this FAQ guide to learn about the latest developments and the evolution of data archiving technology, the key characteristics of different appliances and more.
Posted: 13 Sep 2011 | Published: 13 Sep 2011


IBM's Technology Center
sponsored by IBM
RESOURCE CENTER: As part of this multimedia resource center, expert Mike Laverick reviews the different disaster recovery options available for VMware infrastructures.
Posted: 12 Sep 2011 | Published: 09 Sep 2011


Data Mart Consolidation
sponsored by Hexaware Technologies
WHITE PAPER: This white paper explores how Data Mart consolidation is an effective tool for saving money when dealing with large volumes of data.
Posted: 12 Sep 2011 | Published: 12 Sep 2011

Hexaware Technologies E-Guide: Efficient Storage Management
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: In this E-Guide from, you’ll find detailed information on data reduction, compression, deduplication, and other technologies that are designed to make better use of your data storage and help you become a better storage manager.
Posted: 02 Sep 2011 | Published: 02 Sep 2011


PlateSpin Protect: Disaster Recovery for Server Workloads
sponsored by SUSE
PRODUCT LITERATURE: This literature is about a solution that replicates and rapidly recovers whole server workloads including data, applications and operating systems—all from a single point of control. In the event of a production server outage or disaster, workloads can be rapidly powered on and continue to run as normal until the production environment is restored.
Posted: 29 Aug 2011 | Published: 29 Aug 2011


Presentation Transcript: Remote Data Center Management for Disaster Recovery Purposes
sponsored by Iron Mountain
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: Andrew Burton, Editor of and Kyle Rankin, Systems architect for QuinStreet Incorporated and President of the North Bay Linux Users Group will discuss remote server management and outline the benefits of having your data backed up somewhere off-site.
Posted: 25 Aug 2011 | Published: 25 Aug 2011

Iron Mountain

Anatomy of an Archiving Project White Paper
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Companies worldwide are affirming the value of archiving as a best practice for managing data growth, completing faster application upgrades and much more. Inside this white paper, learn how archiving can help support data retention compliance initiatives and mitigate risk for audits and electronic discovery requests.
Posted: 23 Aug 2011 | Published: 23 Aug 2011


DR Presentation Download: Disaster Recovery Planning in the 21st Century
sponsored by Iron Mountain
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: In this seminar presentation download, Jon William Toigo, a 25 year practitioner in the DR and continuity planning craft, shares his knowledge and experience to help participants develop a smart and cost-effective DR plan that adequately assures protection – and recovery – from any potential disaster.
Posted: 22 Aug 2011 | Published: 22 Aug 2011

Iron Mountain

How to Choose a Cloud Backup Provider
sponsored by Asigra
WHITE PAPER: Many people think the only question is to ask when thinking about backup and recovery is "What is the best way to make backups?" That’s certainly a critical question but business data is the very lifeblood of your business. You can’t afford to look at only half the equation. Recovery is vital as well, especially when choosing a cloud provider.
Posted: 22 Aug 2011 | Published: 22 Aug 2011


Case Study: North York General Hospital Doubles Storage Performance: Cutting Costs and Simplifying Management by Standardizing on IBM XIV
sponsored by IBM
CASE STUDY: This case study details how North York General Hospital's implementaiton of the IBM XIV Storage Systemen helped them reduce rackspace requirements and cut data center hosting costs. They now have a fast, resilient and flexible storage architecture that will support their mission-critical IT systems for years to come.
Posted: 22 Aug 2011 | Published: 22 Aug 2011


E-Guide: Criteria for Staffing a Disaster Recovery Site
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: In this Q&A Harvey Betan, an independent business continuity consultant, discusses what you need to remember when staffing a DR site, and what to do to ensure your recovery site runs smoothly.
Posted: 22 Aug 2011 | Published: 22 Aug 2011