The risks attached to not having a BC or DR plan are neither small nor cheap. Every good plan employs certain technologies and methodologies to limit the disruptiveness of an outage. CDW offers storage, power and networking specialists to assist with disaster recovery needs.
In this presentation transcript, Bill Hobbib, Vice President of marketing at ExaGrid systems, will discuss the typical issues in backup and rapidly give you just a quick overview of what ExaGrid does before moving on to customer case studies. Continue reading to learn five tips for faster more reliable backups.
This presentation transcript is the first of a two-part ESG e-Seminar Series on data de-duplication. In part one, Tony Asaro, ESG Senior Analyst, and Heidi Biggar, ESG analyst, will discuss the various technology considerations when applying data deduplication technology to disk backup.
HP protects the integrity of your data and helps you regain access to it. We have a range of change-ready, cost-effective, and trusted solutions that provide the appropriate level of protection based on your specific business requirements.
This e-guide from SearchCloudComputing.com defines what you need for effective cloud-based disaster recovery, defining key strategies and detailing management tactics.
This ESG Lab Spotlight explores how NetApp SnapVault backup software can help organizations create a highly efficient, flexible, and scalable data protection environment. Read this report to learn more about the results of ESG Lab hands-on testing of SnapVault software with clustered Data ONTAP.
It is ultimately up to each individual health care facility to determine the data backup options that best suit their needs, so long as the overall solution adheres to regulatory requirements.Access this e-guide for an overview of pros and cons of different types of backups.
Check out this informative white paper to explore the top ten players in today's disk backup marketplace. See where disk backup is headed in the future and discover which vendor's solution rises above the rest. Read on to discover which offering is best for your business.
Please read this presentation transcript featuring the first of a two-part ESG e-Seminar Series on data de-duplication. In part one, Tony Asaro, ESG Senior Analyst, and Heidi Biggar ESG analyst, will discuss the various technology considerations when applying data deduplication technology to disk backup.
Backup and recovery of data is consistently rated as one of the top concerns of interviewed companies. Join Patrick Rogers, vice president of Partners and Product Marketing for NetApp, as he discusses unique approaches and vision for solving ba...