Assembling the right team for a digital transformation project is critical. Transformation is a team sport - it requires experience, knowledge and the ability to influence and work with others. In this infographic, we help you figure out who needs to be on your digital transformation team and what are the key skills for each team member.
This resource features a cost-effective automated diagnostics and mitigation security solution that offers continuous protection and is easily integrated with existing systems.
This report cuts to the chase when it comes to suppliers focusing on smart cities and forwar-thinking municipalities. Read now for evaluations on leading players in the market that have the capacity to provide leadership on large-scale projects spanning multiple city requirements.
This resource examines IT skill shortages, how to minimise them within your company, and 7 deadly skills that your IT team should possess.
This white paper highlights the benefits of scale-out NAS solution from EMC that can keep up with exponential data growth, increased regulations and compliance mandates. This solution provides the flexibility and availability that traditional storage approaches can't provide.
This white paper how to enable municipal IT managers to build a flexible cloud foundation and support a smart city service strategy. Read on to discover how to deploy on a secure hybrid cloud model to accommodate all workloads.
This article briefly describes the procurement challenges and then jumps into advising government cloud service purchasers on the positives and negatives of security in the cloud, and how to manage their potential vendors' security risks. Read on to learn more.
When you understand people and their names in context and in real time, you have an increased capability to preempt threats and fraud. Find out what you can do to help protect your business.
In this e-guide, learn how to resolve communication issues between the IT and contact center departments by creating internal service-level agreements, recognizing that what's right for the organization is the same as what's right for the customer, and more.