This vendor white paper - prepared by Alcatel-Lucent - discuses how service providers need to continuously expand their service offerings to address increasing competitive demands, create new ways to drive business and increase market share.
Mobile communication technologies are evolving quickly and new customer demands arise almost every day. At the same time, the economic downturn has impacted budgets, so that cost efficiency now tops the corporate agenda. Service providers must now must not only test and develop new services to meet customer demand, but do it within tight budgets.
Businesses of all sizes are taking advantage of the rapid advancements in unified communications. Now you can download a Cisco white paper to help make the best unified communications decisions. The paper breaks down ten areas you should consider when evaluating an upgrade of unified communications solutions.
To cope and thrive through the economic downturn, service providers look to reducing the cost to serve and generating new revenues even more. Service Providers' billing infrastructure is a key imperative for both strategies. To address cost reduction, service providers must look at the two main drivers in this paper.
Until very recently, customer volume for data services was so low that service providers couldn't justify investment in robust, end-to-end service assurance solutions for mobile data services. Now, with the volume of data services on mobile networks growing, the business case for such an investment is clear. Read on to learn more.
The telecommunications industry was already in a redefining shift in consumer preferences, business models and infrastructure development prior to the economic crisis. Faced with challenges in declining revenues, a maturing mobile industry and increased competition from new entrants, the industry finds itself in dire need of new models for growth.
This paper describes the technology behind the efficiency gains that are realized using MPEG-4 as a video compression technology for real time content distribution networks.