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itelligence Support Advantage
sponsored by itelligence, Inc.
VIDEOCAST: Watch this videocast as Scott Lachecki of North American Nutrition Companies talks about the benefits of itelligence Support Advantage and its on-demand SAP support. itelligence offers mid-market companies worldwide a range of both technical and functional SAP services, business expertise and expert support.
Posted: 12 Mar 2010 | Premiered: Mar 11, 2010

itelligence, Inc.

CollabNet TeamForge Hosted Project
sponsored by CollabNet
TRIAL SOFTWARE: CollabNet TeamForge helps distributed teams by centralizing assets and tools, creating transparency and enabling collaboration.
Posted: 04 Jan 2010 | Premiered: 04 Jan 2010


Boosting software quality and development agility Webcast
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: This webcast exemplifies how technology like the cloud enables continuous integration testing of complex heterogeneous environments much earlier in the development cycle. Learn how the testing world is changing and the tools that are available to help you keep up.
Posted: 24 Aug 2012 | Premiered: Aug 24, 2012


Worklight Integration with RTC for Mobile Application Development
sponsored by IBM
PRODUCT DEMO: View this demo to get a brief overview of How IBM's Worklight mobile development platform tools and its Rational Team Concert collaborative lifecycle management tools integrate to enable successful mobile application development.
Posted: 31 Aug 2012 | Premiered: 31 Aug 2012


Leveraging Virtual Iron and Quad-Core Intel® Based Server Virtualization in Production Environments
sponsored by Virtual Iron Software, Inc.
WEBCAST: This webcast, featuring Intel and Virtual Iron, explores the key drivers and enabling technologies behind server virtualization. Best practices for supporting virtualized workloads in production environments will also be discussed.
Posted: 10 Mar 2008 | Premiered: Mar 1, 2008

Virtual Iron Software, Inc.

Toad™ for SQL Server Xpert Trial
sponsored by Dell Software
TRIAL SOFTWARE: Toad™ for SQL Server Xpert is a powerful tool that makes SQL development faster and database administration easier. Its capabilities ensure that SQL is optimized for maximum performance.
Posted: 01 Jun 2006 | Premiered: 01 Jun 2006

Dell Software

BlackBerry Widget SDK Beta
sponsored by BlackBerry
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD: The BlackBerry Widget Packager v1.0 is a tool that allows web developers to package their web assets into BlackBerry Widgets.
Posted: 28 May 2010 | Premiered: 24 May 2010


SharePoint Designer 2010 Beta (32 bit)
sponsored by Microsoft Corporation India Pvt Ltd
TRIAL SOFTWARE: Download the Beta version of SharePoint Designer 2010, the tool of choice for the rapid development of SharePoint applications.
Posted: 09 Dec 2009 | Premiered: 08 Dec 2009

Microsoft Corporation India Pvt Ltd

Global, Distributed And Agile: Winning Strategies For Efficient Application Development
sponsored by CollabNet
WEBCAST: This webcast reveals winning strategies for efficient application development in global and distributed environments. Topics covered include common pitfalls, implementation best practices and more.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 | Premiered: Jul 7, 2011


Agile Release Planning and Monitoring
sponsored by CollabNet
WEBCAST: Attend this fast-paced presentation and hear from Dan Rawsthorne, as he introduces Agile Release Planning, which is actually the development of a release strategy that must be implemented in an agile way.  Dan shows you how a Release Plan is generated, and then shows how the Release Plan is monitored and managed with metrics from sprint to sprint.
Posted: 10 May 2010 | Premiered: May 10, 2010
