This paper outlines a step-by-step approach to developing a unified enterprise mobility strategy, enabling a more cost-effective and efficient delivery of network connectivity to a larger mobile workforce.
Check out this brief case study to learn how Genesis Wireless implemented Motorola wireless broadband solutions to produce significant cost savings and provide enhanced reliability.
WiMAX is a new way of subscribing to mobile Internet access through a wireless connection, direct to your service provider, it gives you reliable, convenient broadband access on the go, for real-time information and entertainment.
This white paper details how WiMAX compares to conventional wireless network design and the user benefits of multi-antenna implementations.
During the course of 2016 we saw the clamour around network security – which was already very loud – reach fever pitch. From allegations of nation state-level interference in crucial elections, to massive botnet attacks that brought down critical online services for millions, network security dominated mainstream news cycles for weeks on end.
Perimeterless network security is expanding the horizons of businesses looking to protect their data. In this buyer's guide, we look at how a secure perimeterless digital workplace is best achieved, explore the previous barriers perimeterless security can overcome and assess how traditional network security can be banished to the past.
Requirements engineering is about more than just analyzing documenting requirements. It is an important and multifaceted part of systems engineering that broadens the product development process. Companies that successfully introduce a new requirements engineering process don't just change their process and technology; they change their thinking.
Master data management solutions helps organizations maximize the value of postmerger integrations, manage the product lifecycle, meet regulatory requirements and improve the effectiveness of transactional and reporting systems.