In this week's Computer Weekly, as demands for networking performance and speed increase, we examine how to keep a handle on costs. Chip makers are investing in PLC flash technology but some think it won't be worth the effort; we investigate. And we listen in as tech industry leaders and politicians discuss the regulation of AI. Read the issue now.
Check out this brief case study to learn how Genesis Wireless implemented Motorola wireless broadband solutions to produce significant cost savings and provide enhanced reliability.
The goal of this white paper is to discuss the role of caching, describe in detail how object caching and byte caching works, and show how these caching technologies work together to deliver true performance differentiation.
This guide reviews the shift in the dynamics of competitor activity and evolving services which are creating the pressing need for operators to generate more bandwidth.
Today’s web applications require more than simple load balancing. This white paper describes the 8 must-have features of a more comprehensive application delivery solution.
Updates to operating systems, patching or user customizations require tweaks to configurations making applications management and delivery unbearable. Learn how application virtualization provides the foundation to eliminate these problems.
Bandwidth management is a common technique employed by IT organizations to improve quality of service over the WAN by assigning guaranteed levels of bandwidth and prioritizing traffic to improve application performance. To be effective, bandwidth management must be perfectly aligned with business policies and priorities. Read on to learn more.
Blue Coat's SSL proxy functionality enables organizations to extend the power of the intelligent and secure proxy appliances to all SSL traffic. Read about how a proxy gives visibility and control of SSL communications.
Choosing a WAN optimization solution can be a tough challenge. How do you maximize the benefits of WAN optimization and minimize TCO? This white paper can help. Discover seven major points to consider before investing in a WAN optimization solution.
Enterprise users and their data have never been further apart. Business pressures that keep employees out of headquarters and close to customers and partners have met head-on with other drivers that are bringing far flung servers back to the datacenter.