Despite the best efforts of IT security teams, vulnerabilities in applications are bound to happen. In fact, research shows that 3 out of 4 apps produced by software vendors fail to meet security standards. Download this white paper to discover the 4 most common causes that lead to software vulnerabilities and ensure your readiness.
2021 was a breakout year for ransomware as the cybersecurity attack vector wreaked havoc on organizations around the world. Truth is that this trend is set to continue in 2022 and beyond. In this infographic, we take a look at the worldwide ransomware landscape at the beginning of 2022 and which areas of the globe have been affected the most.
With cyber threats and attacks making headlines almost every day, governments and enterprises in Southeast Asia are placing greater emphasis on shoring up their cyber defenses, more so as they transform their economies digitally.
In this week's Computer Weekly, did the UK's defence and security review really suggest a nuclear response to a cyber attack? Data visualisation has been widely used to explain the Covid-19 pandemic, but not always that effectively. And jewellery retailer Pandora explains how it kept the personal touch as customers went online. Read the issue now.
Energy theft is a critical issue for power system operators and billions of pounds are lost to it every year. This article in our Royal Holloway security series describes a convolutional long short-term memory-based energy theft detection model to identify electricity thieves.
In this e-guide we take a look at the different approaches you can take in order to bolster your web security. We find out how to identify and address overlooked web security vulnerabilities, how security controls affect web security assessment results and why web opportunities must be met with appropriate security controls.
Cybersecurity hygiene is a critical component of any infosec program. Just as washing your hands and brushing your teeth are important to personal hygiene, password updates and software patches are important to cybersecurity hygiene -- and critical to preventing data loss, breaches and identity theft.
Practitioners are mandated to make technology risk decisions, and many of those decisions involve one or both of virtualization and containerization technologies. When comparing VMs vs. containers, it is natural to ask, which is more secure? Find out in this e-guide.
Last year's Verizon data breaches report found that 80% of all cyber security attacks started with a phishing email. In this e-guide, we take a look at how phishing can affect an enterprise, why text-based phishing is a growing threat and how to prevent and minimize mobile phishing attacks.
It's easy to see why Business Email Compromise attacks work. Preventing them, however, is not so simple -- especially when attackers rely on cognitive biases. Distinguishing between genuine and fraudulent email communications is challenging enough -- and it's also only part of reducing BEC risk. Here are 8 BEC prevention tips for security leaders.