Virtualization is paramount to achieving better business outcomes. It can help you deliver applications and business services more quickly, put unused data center capacity to work, and enhance your availability, continuity and security strategies. Read about how HP and VMware can help you gain greater business advantages with virtualization.
Check out this brief paper to learn how using a Data Access Switch with multi-rule mapping feature to share the load among multiple parallel processing Gigabit tools, 10-Gig network can be monitored comprehensively and cost-effectively.
This paper summarizes in question and answer format the many critical factors pertaining to VoIP's viability, regardless of which vendor's IP-PBX system is deployed across the distributed enterprise.
Making knowledge more visible increases innovation and shortens turnaround times. Increased collaboration accelerates productivity. With Web 2.0, your company transforms into a more-socially connected organization that reacts faster and more effectively to the market.
Bandwidth management is a common technique employed by IT organizations to improve quality of service over the WAN by assigning guaranteed levels of bandwidth and prioritizing traffic to improve application performance. To be effective, bandwidth management must be perfectly aligned with business policies and priorities. Read on to learn more.
Download this white paper to find out how you can change this economic model and reduce capital and operational expenses, freeing up IT budget dollars and allowing your business to invest in innovative technologies that will reduce the cost of doing business while improving the bottom line.
One way IT organizations are handling the growing need to achieve IT efficiency is by implementing systems management functions in their business environments. As the business value of Linux based deployment increases, so does the need for Linux systems management. This IDC white paper will examine the key benefits of system management software.
Enterprise users and their data have never been further apart. Business pressures that keep employees out of headquarters and close to customers and partners have met head-on with other drivers that are bringing far flung servers back to the datacenter.