This Internet Security Threat Report details the issues related to online fraud and examines current trends in the internet security landscape. Read this paper today and learn about the future of internet attacks and what to expect in the coming years.
This paper elaborates on the changing nature of the PCI DDS landscape and its requirements. It also identifies applicable application network compliance solutions from Citrix Systems Inc..
In this white paper, we explore how the uncontrolled use of portable storage devices such as iPods, USB sticks, flash drives and PDAs, coupled with data theft techniques such as 'pod slurping', can lead to major security breaches.
Read this white paper to learn about new and innovative techniques and solutions can be used to combat fraud, and how you can realize a true return on investment by reducing losses from fraud exposure and increasing operational efficiency within your fraud prevention process.
This white paper takes a closer look at the real impact of insider threats. From the motives and means, to types of insider attacks and best practices, learn more about how this complicated criminal behavior is impacting enterprise today.
This white paper addresses the lifecycle of a phishing attack and how different entities--including third-party take down services and law enforcement--are involved in the process of disabling phishing sites.
This white papers talks about the challenges facing the UK annuity market and the strategies that can be taken by the product providers to meet them. The paper also talks about how Wipro can partner with providers to tap the
opportunities present in the marketplace.
This whitepaper is about enterprise architecture as it pertains to finding and maximizing the business value in greener operations. Higher energy efficiency and a smaller carbon footprint are obvious areas of interest for any business, but how do you balance these goals with productivity, customer service, and all your other business concerns?