Organisations face many challenges as they become more reliant on web technology: web applications are increasingly being targeted, and at the same time, compliance regulations continue to grow in complexity. Learn how to tackle these issues with IBM Rational, a comprehensive solution that provides protection, while helping to ensure compliance.
This profile of business-to-consumer (B2C) security decision-makers in the financial services, healthcare, government, and online merchant sectors evaluates security around consumer portals based on market data and a custom study of the same audience.
This white paper describes industry developments that will lead the browser, JavaScript and the mobile processor to combine for web applications that perform on par with their native counterparts.
As the threat landscape continues to evolve, the approaches to thwart them must also. But with emerging trends like social networking and the influx of mobile devices, ensuring adequate security is becoming more complex. In this expert resource, explore the security risks organizations face in today’s changing environment.
User education and awareness, preventive measures and a modern web security solution are all integral components of a comprehensive defense against today’s web threats. This guide covers some essential preventive measures you should implement to reduce your risk and keep ahead of the threats as much as possible.
Web application security affects every business in some capacity. Regardless of the industry, there are certain Web security weaknesses you can’t afford to overlook and steps you must take to find them. In this presentation transcrip, expert Kevin Beaver shares what you need to know in order to find Web security vulnerabilities in your environment.
In this TechTarget Buyer's Guide readers will learn the key features of a Web fraud detection product and how to choose the best product for their company.
Imperva’s Application Defense Center (ADC), as part of its ongoing Hacker Intelligence Initiative, studied web application attacks across 40 applications over a six month period. View this report to explore key findings and gain recommendations to help you better prioritize vulnerability remediation and web application projects.
Malicious code and the sites hosting it are constantly changing; making it difficult for filtering technologies and signature-based antivirus programs to keep pace with the proliferation of today's' evolving threats.
This report reveals the latest information about today's top security vulnerabilities and threats – from targeted attacks and exploits to spam and phishing – to help you keep your organization safe. View now to learn more!