This crucial white paper discusses a printing solution that allows you to easily add wireless direct printing and touch-to-print technology to your printer or MFP, allowing the entire office to print from their mobile devices.
This informative white paper discusses how your organisation can enable reliable printing from any mobile platform or operating system while still providing IT administrators the control over network access and output to protect confidential information.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we talk to Rolls-Royce about using AI, sensors and data analytics to build intelligent aircraft engines. Our latest buyer's guide examines the next generation of desktop IT. And we ask whether a court ruling in Chile could lead to a worldwide change in Oracle's software licensing practices. Read the issue now.
An aging data center may no longer be able to meet the power, cooling, and structural demands of advancing technologies. This exclusive e-guide details five data center upgrade strategies to modernize your facility and Robert McFarlane, with over 35 years experience in data center design, power, and cooling, offers data center design advice.
Global IT budgets are finally on the increase, according to a survey from CW Europe/TechTarget – but Europe has reported the lowest predicted growth for 2015. This issue of CW Europe offers guidance to IT leaders by revealing what other businesses in your region will be focusing their efforts on this year.
In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at Apple's plan to woo open source developers to its Swift programming language. DevOps practitioners are warning of growing stress on IT operations staff through the growth of continuous development practices. And Specsavers' CIO tells us why the store is a vital part of digital retail. Read the issue now.
Explore this datasheet to learn about a scalable server package that can save your enterprise money without sacrificing speed or availability.