Steady increases in microprocessor operating frequencies and bus widths over recent years have challenged system designers to find FIFO memories that meet their needs.
In 2002, Emerson Network Power's Liebert XD family was the industry's first row-based cooling system. Now, we have taken more than 40 years of engineering experience and the most advanced technologies to design the Liebert CRV row-based precision cooling system. Learn the flexibility, TCO and availability benefits of their latest cooling solution.
Read this expert e-guide to discover the hottest in high-performance SQL Server hardware, including a new breed of technologies that can provide multiprocessor power to SQL Server on multiple hosts. Find tips and best practices for choosing server hardware for both virtual and non-virtual SQL environments.
In this APC whitepaper, alternatives for providing electrical power to high density racks in data centers and network rooms are explained and compared as well as defined guidelines for rack power systems that can reliably deliver power to high density loads while adapting to changing needs.
Data center efficiency has become increasingly important to IT departments. With IT departments now on the hook for reducing their energy use, technologists look to sources of inefficiency and see that commodity scale-out servers are clear culprits. In chapter 2 of this ebook, we'll discuss server efficiency tactics, fixes and other strategies.
Network closets in the healthcare setting are housing more powerful and critical equipment as hospitals and ambulatory offices rely on these spaces to support an increasing number of business-critical applications such as electronic medical records (EMRs), wireless communications and digital imaging.
This whitepaper further examines the role of rack systems as a vital part of any data center, especially when it comes to availability, flexibility to accommodate change and helping with data center monitoring.
Today's successful businesses depend on adaptable technologies to help them respond quickly to market demands. Emerson Network Power's portfolio of products provide innovative, flexible solutions that ensure reliability and efficiency.