This white paper describes how KVM technology can improve system reliability, manageability, and security, resulting in lower TCO and less downtime.
Check out this brief resource to learn about the Dell PowerEdge C8000 – the only shared infrastructure which enables organizations to easily reconfigure, refresh and scale out as needed.
Explore this resource to find out how HP's ConvergedSystem for Virtualization can drive faster time-to-value while providing the scalability you need.
Check out this exclusive resource to uncover a complete list of tips and tricks for virtual lab testing in a Hyper-V environment, so you can eliminate as many risks as possible.
Read this informative data sheet from IBM detailing their new server hardware optimized for cloud computing and desktop virtualization and learn how their new servers can cut downtime out of the equation for you and your organization.
In this software age, is there any role left for hardware? In our three-part guide, our experts' response is a resounding, "yes." Read now to learn why hardware is still an essential networking choice in terms of scale, reliability, and performance.
In this expert e-guide, find out how Facebook not only overcame storing, securing, and delivering large quantities of data to their users but also substantially reduced costs and improved IT efficiency. Learn about the cold storage approach they implemented and determine whether your business could realize the same benefits.
Take a look at this exclusive resource to find out how HP's new approach to infrastructure management can help you save time and money when confronting data center challenges.
Machine learning examples are finally making their way to the home territory of computer science – the data center. Learn why data centers are an ideal environment for machine learning and explore examples of machine learning found in data centers.