Wireless Access Control White Papers

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Smart Strategies for Securing Extranet Access
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Download this whitepaper to learn how you can mitigate risk, improve extranet security, streamline compliance and enable your organization to boost its bottom-line by taking advantage of advanced access management technologies.
Posted: 21 Mar 2011 | Published: 01 Mar 2010

Oracle Corporation

Identity Manager: Reducing Risk, Raising Governance and Improving the Bottom Line
sponsored by NetIQ
WHITE PAPER: This resource highlights the major reason behind compliance challenges, and offers a solution that provides a real-time, holistic view of your organization's posture to improve data accuracies and ensure business stability.
Posted: 28 Mar 2014 | Published: 31 Dec 2013


When Millions Need Access: Identity Management in an Interconnected World
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper covers an automation solution that will allow you to monitor the ever-growing number of access points to your organization's sensitive data.
Posted: 06 Mar 2014 | Published: 13 Feb 2013


Creating the Ultimate Security Platform
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This whitepaper outlines the latest nature of attacks and vulnerabilities in the security landscape and details the capabilities and solutions that must be leveraged to maintain secure operations.
Posted: 19 Jul 2013 | Published: 28 Jun 2013


Identity Management Tech Brief
sponsored by Red Hat
WHITE PAPER: Read this whitepaper to learn more about domain controllers with Linux for better identity and access management.
Posted: 01 Jul 2014 | Published: 01 Jul 2014

Red Hat

Securing Today’s Mobile Workforce
sponsored by Juniper Networks, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: BYOD has placed many challenges on enterprises, namely concerning security. Learn how Junos Pulse and the Junos Pulse Mobile Security Suite can help alleviate your issues.
Posted: 15 Feb 2012 | Published: 15 Feb 2012

Juniper Networks, Inc.

Simplify Security for REST and WS* Web Services: The Gateway Approach
sponsored by Intel
WHITE PAPER: This solution brief presents how to simplify the implementation of standardized enterprise security for both REST and WS-* services, and how a Service Gateway can act as a central Policy Enforcement Point to delegate authentication/authorization and provide REST to SOAP mediations without having to write code.
Posted: 29 Mar 2011 | Published: 28 Mar 2011


Top 10 Tips to Make Access to SaaS, Enterprise Class Secure
sponsored by Intel
WHITE PAPER: In today’s cloud environment, the number of security breaches is on the rise - driving a new mandate for strong authentication technologies to ensure a more secure SSO. In this case study brief, learn first hand from industry experts and customers, their top 10 tips to make your federated SSO implementation a success and Enterprise class secure.
Posted: 12 Oct 2011 | Published: 12 Oct 2011


IDC 2014 WW MarketScape Report for Federated Identity Management and SSO
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Find out how vendors fared in IDC's assessment of IAM offerings for federated identity management and single sign-on.
Posted: 08 Oct 2014 | Published: 31 Mar 2014


Achieve secure mobile access to enterprise applications
sponsored by Oracle Corporation UK Ltd
WHITE PAPER: This brief resource highlights a mobile and social access management platform that offers secure mobile access to enterprise applications by leveraging your existing back-end identity management infrastructure.
Posted: 25 Apr 2013 | Published: 25 Apr 2013

Oracle Corporation UK Ltd