Real Time Analytical Software White Papers

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Faster, Real-time Analytics: Data Should Work for you, Not the Other Way Around
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
WHITE PAPER: This informative white paper covers which facets of data and analytics are advantageous for the decision process and other organisational transactions. Discover how advanced analytics mitigate performance problems that prevent access to data.
Posted: 05 Sep 2012 | Published: 05 Sep 2012

Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Business Intelligence - NoSQL, No Problem
sponsored by MongoDB, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Big data is complex term to define and it often presents obstacles for businesses. Consult this resource to learn more about how you should look at big data from a business perspective. Find out how big data has changed the way that the business intelligence (BI) landscape operates.
Posted: 16 Apr 2013 | Published: 16 Apr 2013

MongoDB, Inc.

New Paradigms for High Performance Analytical Computing
sponsored by Vertica Systems
WHITE PAPER: Read this paper to learn how combining a high performance batch programming and execution model with a high performance analytical database provides significant business benefits for a number of different types of applications.
Posted: 16 Jul 2010 | Published: 16 Jul 2010

Vertica Systems

Early Leaders Across the Big Data Security Analytics Continuum
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This informative white paper defines and discusses big data security analytics, including the continuum between real-time and asymmetric big data security analytics solutions.
Posted: 20 Mar 2014 | Published: 28 Jun 2013


Securities and capital markets
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: IBM®ILOG®’s business rule management system (BRMS) is widely used by leading investment banks, asset management and mutual fund firms to meet their compliance requirements while adding intelligent decisioning capabilities to applications and processes throughout the trading cycle, and business channels and systems.
Posted: 07 Jul 2011 | Published: 07 Jul 2011


Transform insights into action IBM’s: Watson and the future of data
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Traditional computing systems are built to analyze only structured data, or to run analytics in batch reporting jobs. Explore how Watson is an example of the new kind of workloads that businesses will apply to achieve their business goals.
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 | Published: 06 Jun 2011


The Impact of Social Graphing Analysis on the Bottom Line: How Zynga Performs Graph Analysis with the Vertica Analytics Platform
sponsored by Vertica Systems
WHITE PAPER: It may be surprising to find that Zynga is performing some of the most advanced analytics anywhere. With a user base of over 250 million monthly active users, this white paper describes why Zynga uses the Vertica Analytics Platform to improve its business and game features.
Posted: 26 Aug 2011 | Published: 26 Aug 2011

Vertica Systems

Real-Time Intelligence Moves Business Forward
sponsored by Intel
WHITE PAPER: In this white paper, discover how SAP In-Memory Appliance (SAP HANA) delivers SAP In-Memory Computing technology through an ongoing engineering collaboration between SAP and Intel to provide optimized performance and reliability on Intel architecture, including the Intel Xeon processor E7 family.
Posted: 28 Nov 2011 | Published: 28 Nov 2011


Improving Traceability and Auditability Across the Development Lifecycle
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: This white paper explores how IBM® Rational® software integrated offerings can help gain the traceability you need to ensure overall product quality.
Posted: 19 Mar 2010 | Published: 17 Dec 2009


IBM: An Early Leader across the Big Data Security Analytics
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Security data collection and analysis has become a big data dilemma – so why wouldn't you adopt a big data approach? This resource outlines why legacy analytics and SIEM tools are inefficient and explores how adopting a solution that combines real-time and asymmetric big data security analytics is vital to success.
Posted: 22 Jul 2013 | Published: 28 Jun 2013