Be as Agile as you can be
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Join Elizabeth Woodward, IBM Agile Practice Expert, as she discusses how software development leaders and agile teams can identify the impact of choices in organizing their team structure to optimize a distributed Agile methodology. 
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 | Premiered: Apr 4, 2011


IT Priorities 2018 - What's happening in security?
sponsored by TechTarget
VIDEO: In this video, Computer Weekly's editor-in-chief, Bryan Glick, discusses what's happening in security according to our 2018 IT Priorities survey taken by over 250 IT decision makers and managers.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Premiered: 02 May 2018


Road Map: The Data Security and Privacy Playbook
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Consider these five key characteristics when modernizing your legacy file transfer environment with MFT technology.
Posted: 28 Sep 2016 | Premiered: Sep 28, 2016

TOPICS:  IT Management

Consider These Use Cases When Selecting Your MFT Technology
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Gartner shares the key challenges and recommendations in selecting the right MFT solution for your organization.
Posted: 28 Sep 2016 | Premiered: Sep 28, 2016

TOPICS:  IT Management

Reduce Backup Time From Days to Hours
sponsored by NetApp
WEBCAST: Find out how the Zoological Society of London boosted storage capacity and replaced an outdated archiving system.
Posted: 31 Oct 2016 | Premiered: Oct 28, 2016

TOPICS:  IT Management

Make Your Data More Valuable with Real-Time Analytics
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Gain an understanding of real-time analytics and learn how to derive maximum benefit from your most valuable data.
Posted: 06 Apr 2017 | Premiered: Apr 6, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

A Complete Paradigm Shift in Enterprise Storage
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: It's time to get more value from your data storage solution. Answer these questions for a comparative cost of ownership.
Posted: 06 Apr 2017 | Premiered: Apr 6, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

Standards Processing: The Key to Simplifying B2B Integration
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: See how streamlining data exchange with universal transformation of industry standards data simplifies B2B integration.
Posted: 20 Jan 2017 | Premiered: Jan 20, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

Be the Champion of Security in a DevOps World
sponsored by Veracode, Inc.
VIDEO: Watch this Infosecurity Magazine webinar to learn how to become a champion of security with DevOps.
Posted: 17 Jan 2018 | Premiered: 17 Jan 2018

TOPICS:  IT Management
Veracode, Inc.

Ten Questions to Ask Your File Gateway Vendor
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Determine if a vendor will increase reliability, reduce security risk, and support rapid growth with these 10 questions.
Posted: 28 Sep 2016 | Premiered: Sep 28, 2016

TOPICS:  IT Management