Application Development Services Multimedia

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IBM Smart SOA Global Virtual Forum: How to Get Smarter Business Outcomes
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Adapting to change is hard for today's professional architectures, but with the dynamics of the industry, change is a must. This webcast will show how to gain successful agility and maximize business IT value with the Smart SOA approach. Watch now!
Posted: 13 Oct 2008 | Premiered: Nov 5, 2008, 10:30 EST (15:30 GMT)


Code Once: Easy Development for Multiple Mobile Platforms
sponsored by IBM
VIDEO: Watch this brief video to find out how one solution gives teams the ability to code once and implement that code on multiple devices using multiple platforms.
Posted: 11 Dec 2014 | Premiered: 11 Dec 2014


Making Vital Business Connections Faster and More Effectively
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Did you think you could onboard a new business partner 50% faster, or reduce the time and cost to change your IT systems by 50%? You can. By leveraging an incremental approach to SOA, you can begin to make faster, better, and richer connections across your business network in less than 9 months. Watch this webcast to learn how.
Posted: 27 Oct 2011 | Premiered: Oct 27, 2011


Elastic Scalability of Spring Java Applications with VMware vFabric Cloud Application Platform
sponsored by VMware, Inc.
WEBCAST: Legacy middleware platforms are not only costly to run but also cannot provide the speed and scalability needed for the Web, mobile, and cloud applications that modern business has come to rely on. View this webcast to learn how to accelerate and reduce the cost of provisioning these applications.
Posted: 04 Sep 2012 | Premiered: Sep 4, 2012

VMware, Inc.

Up-Leveling Organizational Change With Code
sponsored by Chef Software
VIDEO: This brief video with Rob Cummings, infrastructure engineer at Nordstrom, discusses how to level-up change in your organization, from creating a DevOps culture to automating IT. Watch now to see how Nordstrom keeps innovation moving in their organization, and if such tactics will work for you.
Posted: 30 Nov 2015 | Premiered: 30 Nov 2015

Chef Software

Unleashing the Power of PaaS to Harness the Cloud
sponsored by Fujitsu
WEBCAST: Research shows by 2015 more than 65% of new business solutions will be at least partially cloud-based - do you have the right tools you need to take advantage of the cloud? In this webcast, get an overview of the capabilities of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) tools, and learn best practices for leveraging PaaS.
Posted: 16 Jul 2013 | Premiered: Jan 15, 2013


Smart Business Development and Test on the IBM Cloud
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Development and testing workloads can be very complex to manage, often slowing time to market for critical applications. This video discusses the benefits of leveraging a new cloud technology for testing and developing. Learn how this platform can help you minimize costs, simplify environment set ups and improve security.
Posted: 09 Mar 2012 | Premiered: Mar 9, 2012


Evaluate: WebSphere Application Server Community Edition
sponsored by IBM
TRIAL SOFTWARE: WebSphere Application Server Community Edition is a pre-integrated, lightweight Java platform application server built on Apache Geronimo technology. Download now to experience how it harnesses the latest innovations from the open source community to deliver a readily accessible and flexible foundation for developing and deploying Java apps.
Posted: 09 Jun 2011 | Premiered: 09 Jun 2011


How Facebook Finds Scalability Within IT Automation
sponsored by Chef Software
VIDEO: This short video with Phil Dibowitz, production engineer at Facebook, discusses how the company uses code and IT automation to solve their scalability woes. Access now for an inside peak at how this global giant uses smart engineering and app automation to reduce errors and overhead.
Posted: 24 Nov 2015 | Premiered: 24 Nov 2015

Chef Software

Craft the Right Strategy for Your Enterprise With HPE Mobility Solutions
sponsored by Hewlett Packard Enterprise
PRODUCT DEMO: HP Enterprise Mobility Services can help you build mobile applications that enable you to convert customer interactions into revenue opportunities. Click on the link below to learn more and one of our mobility experts will be in touch shortly to discuss a face to face demo. To reach out to HP directly, please email us at
Posted: 21 May 2014 | Premiered: 21 May 2014

Hewlett Packard Enterprise