In this week's Computer Weekly, we look at the latest developments in wireless technology and how to deliver secure and reliable wireless networks. We examine Microsoft's PowerShell scripting language to understand why it's such an important tool. And we ask CIOs what it's like to cross the divide and work for IT suppliers. Read the issue now.
This presentation transcript, taken from the podcast of the same name, discusses what businesses can expect to see in the final 802.11n standard and how those "full 802.11n" differences will and won't impact this year's deployments. Read on to learn more about the upcoming changes in 802.11n.
Read this white paper to learn how a New Orleans-based systems integrator relied on Motorola's Canopy® wireless broadband platform to bring better communications and security to New Orleans.
Businesses want wireless now. So what's holding it up? The answer lies in ongoing IT concerns over: Wireless Security; Wireless Performance; Wireless Manageability; and Wireless Value. Read this brochure for an overview of these four important points.
This brochure provides an overview of Siemens' HiPath Wireless LAN and mobility management solutions. Learn how you can benefit from this new solution now.
Ensuring your wireless email and other data is secure anytime, anywhere is a challenge. OneBridge 5.5 can help you deliver vital data over any connection, to any device or using Lotus Domino.
This paper explains how social networking and the next generation of handheld devices will improve business decision-making through efficient, unified communications and location awareness.
In this white paper, we explore how the uncontrolled use of portable storage devices such as iPods, USB sticks, flash drives and PDAs, coupled with data theft techniques such as 'pod slurping', can lead to major security breaches.
This white paper shows how qualified service providers can add value to RFID projects, highlights some of the planning issues and considerations that call for experienced advice, and provides guidance to the types of services available and how to differentiate service providers.