Pokémon Go brought augmented reality (AR) technology to the masses. In this guide, our experts illustrate the basics of AR in the mobile enterprise, and how to overcome adoption roadblocks such as cost, lack of development tools, and more. Read on to dive into the state of the AR market and evaluate its adoption readiness in your enterprise.
If it can't be measured, it can't be managed. Telemetry on applications and IT infrastructure are key to keeping applications running optimally and reducing unplanned downtime. Beyond using telemetry data to respond to abnormal events, historical data analysis can reveal more systemic issues. In this e-guide we look at trends in APM.
Access this expert handbook to examine the need for across-the-board collaboration when it comes to DevOps. You'll also learn the differences between various DevOps tool sets. On top of this, you'll get insight into the design phase of the application lifecycle.
Is your organization for the move to Windows 10? You need to test your legacy applications for compatibility before making the migration to ensure that users remain productive. Access this e-guide to learn how.
This study by Forrester dives into the ROI and risk levels of an in-memory processing database platform that promises stronger performance, faster response times, and lowered costs. Access now to see if this system is right for your data infrastructure, and what kind of benefits you could expect.
Learn why an application modernization and digital transformation strategy can be a unique challenge to everyone, along with some common solutions.
This white paper discusses how enterprises can deliver on the promise of perfect mobility, and considers the wide-spread (and sometimes unexpected) costs that accompany a bad mobile app. Read on to see top tips for choosing the right mobile application development platform.
If your application disappoints, users won't hesitate to go elsewhere. This e-guide describes how to implement customer-driven application development to release final products that meet user expectations, ultimately delivering maximum return on investment.
With the immense consequences of downtime in mind, what are Fortune 1000 enterprises doing to improve the application development process, and what role should DevOps play? Access this research report today to learn from the best practices in place in more than 20 Fortune 1000 companies.
IT operations analytics (ITOA) helps prevent your network from encountering problems. ITOA takes data from different sources and provides the insights you are looking for. Read this e-guide to learn how an ITOA works and how to find the right ITOA tool for your organization.