Negotiation Reports

E-Book: Best Practices for Selecting Midmarket ERP Software
sponsored by itelligence, Inc.
EBOOK: Navigating the ERP software market can be a big challenge. Experts say there are over 80 different ERP packages available today. Choosing an ERP package means answering challenging questions about requirements, vendor services and deployment style. In this eBook, get advice and best practices for the ERP software selection process.
Posted: 20 Sep 2010 | Published: 17 Sep 2010

itelligence, Inc.

Taking Control of Software Licensing
sponsored by BDNA
WHITE PAPER: Software licensing is full of complexity and factors outside your control. Having accurate information is the best strategy for managing vendors, negotiating with them, and avoiding vendor audits. This paper offers insight to enter conversation...
Posted: 30 Apr 2008 | Published: 01 Apr 2008