Enterprise Storage Spending Reports

Maximize Your Storage Spend by Doing More with Less - Transcript
sponsored by Red Hat
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: Download this presentation transcript to discover how to free yourself from vendor lock-in by expensive proprietary storage hardware companies, and learn how you can take advantage of today's new wave of storage buying. Find out how you can do more with your existing storage and spend less time and money to accommodate changing workloads.
Posted: 24 Feb 2012 | Published: 23 Feb 2012

Red Hat

Storage Budget Picture Brightens
sponsored by IBM
EGUIDE: This expert E-Guide provides a thorough analysis of the latest statistics concerning storage spending and use of technologies including SSD, cloud computing, archiving, and more. Read now to find out which storage efficiency tools are gaining the most traction and discover the top products your peers are putting on their wish lists.
Posted: 20 Dec 2012 | Published: 20 Dec 2012


Dedupe: From Niche Tech to Storage Ace
sponsored by NetApp
EGUIDE: Everybody talks about dedupe today, but 10 years from now, everybody’s just going to expect it to be in storage devices. This expert E-Guide outlines the benefits of different dedupe methods and offers some insight on how these methods apply to specific environments.
Posted: 27 Jun 2012 | Published: 27 Jun 2012


Unified Storage in Virtual and Cloud Environments
sponsored by Arrow + NetApp
EGUIDE: This expert E-Guide describes the architectural characteristics of unified storage and explains how it provides a measure of relief in virtual and cloud environments. Read now to explore the latest advances in this emerging technology space and what you can expect in terms of cost savings and management efficiency.
Posted: 01 May 2013 | Published: 16 Jan 2013

Arrow + NetApp

Silverton Consulting - NetApp Clustered SAN for OLTP
sponsored by NetApp
WHITE PAPER: Storage systems today must match agility with proven, diversified I/O performance to satisfy an enterprise's changing needs. NetApp has benchmarked superior I/O performance in their FAS6240 Clustered SAN storage array, resulting in its ranking as Silverton Consulting's Enterprise OLTP Champion of Champions™ for 1Q-2013.
Posted: 14 Mar 2013 | Published: 28 Dec 2012


Research Group Safeguards Scientific Information, Saves Time and Cuts Costs with Object Storage Platform
sponsored by DellEMC and Intel®
CASE STUDY: Utrecht University's Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group needed to process and safeguard data. Learn how the department worked with Dell to deploy an object-based, clustered storage platform for better data management.
Posted: 29 Mar 2011 | Published: 29 Mar 2011

DellEMC and Intel®

Infographic: Drive Better Data Economics
sponsored by IBM
RESOURCE: The traditional approach to storing information causes performance problems and creates data bottlenecks. In fact, 78% of CFOs report that pressure is high to control storage costs and increase efficiency. This infographic introduces a different approach to storage that drives better data economics.
Posted: 28 Apr 2015 | Published: 28 Apr 2015


Storage Resource Management Software: Recent Trends and Business Benefits
sponsored by APTARE
EGUIDE: This expert E-Guide from SearchStorage.com highlights the latest SRM advances and gives examples of where and when you'd utilize them. Read on for the scoop on agentless SRMs, find pro tips for integrating SRM with your virtual environment, and find a 3-question SRM Q&A with a Gartner research director for storage technologies and strategies.
Posted: 18 Dec 2012 | Published: 18 Dec 2012


Understanding Windows Azure Storage Billing – Bandwidth, Transactions, and Capacity
sponsored by Microsoft
PRODUCT LITERATURE: View the helpful blog post to learn how to build the most cost-effective applications using Windows Azure Storage (WAS) by understanding how bandwidth, transactions, and capacity are billed.
Posted: 25 Apr 2012 | Published: 08 Jul 2010


John Webster whitepaper: IBM Smarter Planet Storage Solutions
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Read this paper for information on data-generating technologies now available, the emerging applications that are harnessing them, and the desire among business executives across a broad range of industries to mine these applications for competitive advantage in some cases, and for the well-being of humanity in others.
Posted: 20 Oct 2010 | Published: 09 Jul 2010