In this white paper, you will learn about the technology and architecture driving the growing adoption of disk-to-disk backups, and in particular how EVault's solutions are your best choice.
In this presentation transcript, backup expert, Mark Bowker, answers questions regarding virtual server environments and how their deployment affects the backup process.
No matter the business, industry, or size, reliable data access is essential to operations. As that data continues to grow exponentially, it is important to have a backup and recovery strategy that meets current business needs and has the flexibility to grow and change. Read this white paper to learn about HP data protection solutions.
Data is constantly growing at exponential rates, but how do you stop this cycle? This white paper looks at how correcting provisioning inefficiencies and eliminating data redundancies through data virtualization tools can enable space-effic...
The call to protect corporate data in less time and for less money has inspired a whole new way of thinking about backup - a complete backup redesign. This paper explores a better way to backup and protect data and applications - disk-based application.
Designed around a revolutionary silicon-based storage architecture known as ioMemory, the ioDrive is the world's most advanced NAND clustering technology with performance comparable to DRAM and storage capacity on par with today's hard disks, giving you the power to improve both memory capacity and storage performance by up to one thousand times.
Today's storage environments need a way to keep data intact without consuming corresponding disk storage. The FalconStor® File Interface Deduplication System provides the solution. Read on to discover the amazing benefits of this data deduplication solution.
Backup and recovery of data is consistently rated as one of the top concerns of interviewed companies. Join Patrick Rogers, vice president of Partners and Product Marketing for NetApp, as he discusses unique approaches and vision for solving ba...
HP protects the integrity of your data and helps you regain access to it. We have a range of change-ready, cost-effective, and trusted solutions that provide the appropriate level of protection based on your specific business requirements.
This presentation transcript is the first of a two-part ESG e-Seminar Series on data de-duplication. In part one, Tony Asaro, ESG Senior Analyst, and Heidi Biggar, ESG analyst, will discuss the various technology considerations when applying data deduplication technology to disk backup.