In this expert guide, SAP Mentor and BI and data management specialist Ethan Jewett debunks common myths around big data and business analytics, Hadoop integration, and data transformation. Access now to understand more about the state of business intelligence and data warehousing for SAP.
Read this brief white paper to learn how Dart Transit Company implemented an electronic data interchange strategy (EDI) that offers faster, more secure data transactions for their trading partner interactions, and more effective automation tools to manage the business integration process.
Now that mobility has become an integral part of an enterprise's infrastructure, IT must now support and secure these mobile devices. Read this whitepaper to find out the unique security requirements that these mobile devices create and the three components of mobile security protection.
Financial messages must be validated before being sent across any network for financial data exchange or they may be delayed or rejected. Informatica minimizes these risks with message validation, part of its B2B Data. Use the provided links here to test Informatica SWIFT Validation.
This guide describes best practices for incorporating cabling in a typical data center, plus tips for selecting cabling components and information on data transmission media.
Now that mobility has become an integral part of an enterprise's infrastructure, IT must now support and secure these mobile devices. Read this whitepaper to find out the unique security requirements that these mobile devices create and the three components of mobile security protection.
This paper explains each of the seven layers of OSI model, including their functions and their relationships, also it provide with an overview of the network process, which can act as a framework for understanding the details of computer networking.
An in-depth look at V.34 high-speed fax and JBIG document compression technology...designed to save companies significant money in reducing fax telephone charges.