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Be as Agile as you can be
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Join Elizabeth Woodward, IBM Agile Practice Expert, as she discusses how software development leaders and agile teams can identify the impact of choices in organizing their team structure to optimize a distributed Agile methodology. 
Posted: 04 Apr 2011 | Premiered: Apr 4, 2011


Video: IT Priorities 2023 APAC
sponsored by TechTarget
VIDEO: Over half of respondents in this year's IT Priorities study have bigger IT budgets as they continue to make strategic investments in cyber security, cloud and automation. In this video, hear from TechTarget's APAC editor in chief on the top priorities of organisations and the major tech trends that are shaping IT buying decisions in the region.
Posted: 30 Mar 2023 | Premiered: 30 Mar 2023


Symantec + Blue Coat: Defining the Future of Cybersecurity
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
VIDEO: Doug Colson details how the security solutions vendor is partnering to meet the challenges of advanced threats and more.
Posted: 22 Dec 2016 | Premiered: 22 Dec 2016

TOPICS:  IT Management
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Road to Modernization
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Over 50% of LOB execs list better strategic relationships and reduced costs as B2B integration benefits. Modernize now.
Posted: 20 Jan 2017 | Premiered: Jan 20, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

Reduce Insider Threats Risk Through End User Empowerment
sponsored by McAfee, Inc.
VIDEO: Employees are a giant risk to your most sensitive data. Reduce the risk by educating users on the three best practices.
Posted: 10 May 2017 | Premiered: 10 May 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management
McAfee, Inc.

Health Insurance Provider Transforms Their Data Platform
sponsored by IBM
VIDEO: James Wade of Florida Blue discusses the solutions that helped reduce hold times and eliminate fraud.
Posted: 06 Apr 2017 | Premiered: 06 Apr 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

You May Not Know It yet, but You Need All-Flash Storage
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: Innovations in all-flash array may be a little ahead of market demand, but provide great opportunities for IT leaders.
Posted: 06 Apr 2017 | Premiered: Apr 6, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

HPE Services for Office 365 Drive Digital Collaboration
sponsored by Hewlett-Packard Enterprise
VIDEO: HPE's expertise combined with Office 365 offers a single, cloud-based solution with end-to-end accountability.
Posted: 17 Oct 2016 | Premiered: 17 Oct 2016

TOPICS:  IT Management
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise

Standards Processing: The Key to Simplifying B2B Integration
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: See how streamlining data exchange with universal transformation of industry standards data simplifies B2B integration.
Posted: 20 Jan 2017 | Premiered: Jan 20, 2017

TOPICS:  IT Management

Al Powers Smarter Investment Decisions - Intel Chip Chat
sponsored by Intel and Google
PODCAST: Listen to this Intel Chip Chat podcast to learn how a natural language interface used on Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors available on Google Cloud Platform can help financial institutions make more informed decisions.
Posted: 05 Jun 2018 | Premiered: Jun 5, 2018

TOPICS:  IT Management
Intel and Google