Green Storage Multimedia

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Helping WWF create a sustainable workspace for the future
sponsored by Dimension Data
VIDEO: The WWF had an ambitious goal of creating a sustainable IT workspace for the futureā€”it wasn't going to be easy as they needed to virtually rebuild the way they conducted their operations. This video case study explores how they we able to meet their goals by implementing the right data center solution and getting help from Dimension Data.
Posted: 06 Mar 2015 | Premiered: 06 Mar 2015

Dimension Data

Innovators Demo Part II - Your Collaboration Destiny Continues
sponsored by IBM
PRODUCT DEMO: Embark on this interactive journey with the Innovators agents. They clearly show you how to think differently, act differently, communicate and collaborate in new ways - even while on the move - making you and your team more productive and connected.
Posted: 18 Jun 2010 | Premiered: 17 Jun 2010