Search Results for: properly

Security Practices for Vmware
This expert resource explores best practices and common mistakes to avoid when securing your VMware environment. Learn how to leverage the proper settings, permissions and third-party tools to secure your systems.

Vyatta Inc.

Lifecycle Manager - Masterclass
Tune in to this masterclass webinar to learn the essential elements of an asset lifecycle strategy, and what traits leading organizations look for in the perfect lifecycle management partner.

Scalepad Software

Best Practices for Application Rationalization Podcast
This podcast discusses how to achieve application rationalization through proper application portfolio management. Learn about the benefits of this strategy and how it can help better align IT with business goals, as well as cutting costs and providing substantial performance gains.

HP Inc

GFI WebMonitor 2012
Having Internet in the workplace – while a necessary feature – can cause two serious challenges: employee inefficiency and security threats. Rather than revoking Internet privileges, discover how you can properly manage and monitor Internet use, preventing these two issues.

GFI Software

EU MDR Extension Don’t Make Medical Device Product Labeling an Afterthought
This webinar discusses how the recent EU MDR compliance deadline extension provides medical device manufacturers an opportunity to properly implement labeling and artwork solutions to mitigate risk of shortages and recalls. Tune in now to learn how to mitigate risk during the extension, ensure compliance, and avoid recalls.


How much of your total enterprise cloud spend
ServiceNow Cloud Cost Management can help you regain control of your environment by identifying unused resources, finding hidden resource drains, and helping you rightsize for your organization. Learn more in this short video.


Unlocking the value of data, securely with AWS and Privitar
This webinar explains the importance of modern data security compared with the traditional data security system. Tune in to learn how you can elevate your security with the AWS Cloud.

Privitar, AWS

Application Performance for Business Efficiency
This quick video reveals how you can regain control of your network and the applications using it with an innovative application performance management solution.


Why Storage Matters to your AI Strategy
Tune into this short video to learn why storage is the difference maker for your AI strategy, and how Dell Technologies can help you get the storage support your organization needs.

Dell Technologies

Lowering Risk by Applying Consistent Security Across All of Your Locations
Security in today's IT infrastructure presents challenges to all sorts of organizations, but especially to distributed enterprises. Branch offices and remote locations are often less secure than the headquarters or main data center location. Watch this webcast to learn how and why you should ensure that every location is properly secured.

Juniper Networks, Inc.