Selecting Software Reports

Computer Weekly – 29 January 2019: A vintage digital transformation for Majestic Wines
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we examine the digital transformation of retailer Majestic Wines and find out how buying rival Naked Wines led to a cloud overhaul of the firm's IT. We look at the challenges for IT managers as they prepare for the end of Windows 7 support. And our buyer's guide discusses deep learning technology. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 25 Jan 2019


Computer Weekly – 3 October 2017: Digitally preserving history
sponsored by TechTarget
EZINE: In this week's Computer Weekly, we find out how cloud technologies are helping Gibraltar to digitally preserve historic documents and safeguard its cultural heritage. We examine progress on the roll-out of the new NHS national network. And our latest buyer's guide looks at cloud-based ERP software. Read the issue now.
Posted: 08 Feb 2021 | Published: 29 Sep 2017


Choosing the Best CRM for Your Organization
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: Explore four Customer Relationship Management (CRM) deployment scenarios and how to choose a CRM solution that will best meet your company's needs today and support your business as it grows and evolves.
Posted: 26 Sep 2007 | Published: 01 Sep 2007

Oracle Corporation

Enterprise Resource Planning Software: Taking the Plunge
sponsored by VAI, Vormittag Associates, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: Check out this white paper to discover the many benefits of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software.
Posted: 20 Mar 2009 | Published: 20 Mar 2009

VAI, Vormittag Associates, Inc.

LA Water System Goes Digital
sponsored by Autodesk
CASE STUDY: Learn how the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, the United States' largest municipal utility, uses Autodesk software solutions to complete work faster, reduce data errors, and accept and deliver city data in its native format.
Posted: 14 Nov 2008 | Published: 14 Nov 2008


Introducing IBM's Balanced Warehouse
sponsored by IBM Software Group
WEBCAST: Data warehousing and business intelligence (BI) have evolved. Learn about a cost-effective data warehouse system with advanced analytics that delivers high performance and flexibility to address changing business needs.
Posted: 28 Nov 2007 | Premiered: Nov 1, 2007

IBM Software Group

Software and Services Financing
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Financing information technology hardware is an accepted way of doing business. Clients are discovering the benefits of financing software and services and are making financing of software and services one of the fastest-growing segments of the IT financing industry. This paper explains the importance of aligning financing with IT transformation.
Posted: 18 Feb 2009 | Published: 18 Feb 2009


SAP NetWeaver 7.0 Installation: From Confused to Confident
sponsored by SAP America, Inc.
WEBCAST: In this Webcast, learn how you can save time and frustration during you SAP NetWeaver installation. Explore steps to buy, build or reconfigure a server as well as post installation methodologies.
Posted: 07 May 2008 | Premiered: May 20, 2008, 12:00 EDT (16:00 GMT)

SAP America, Inc.

Collaboration solutions: Solutions for small and medium business
sponsored by IBM
RESOURCE CENTER: Check out this IBM resource center to identify collaboration software solutions specifically geared towards small and medium-sized businesses.
Posted: 18 Feb 2009 | Published: 18 Feb 2009


How Successful Manufacturing ERP Selections Are Made: The Top Things to Look for, Look at, and Look beyond When Evaluating an ERP Purchase
sponsored by IQMS
WHITE PAPER: This paper examines the major considerations manufacturers looking to add, upgrade of replace Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software should be aware of. By being cognizant of these aspects you'll ensure that you'll be able to select a solution that best fits your needs, both now and in the future.
Posted: 24 Dec 2008 | Published: 24 Dec 2008