In this week's Computer Weekly, we speak to Aston Martin Formula One's Clare Lansley to find out how digital transformation helps the team to move further up the F1 grid. We explore how automation and AI is helping businesses tackle rising costs and also look into the maturity of Industry 4.0 initiatives. Read the issue now.
IT departments have constant challenges - staff shortages, tight budgets, but still high expectations for service and support. OptiView analyzer gives you a clear view of your entire enterprise - see into devices, applications, and every connection.
The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) Cookbook highlights SOA best practices and challenges, detailing the importance of BPEL and other standards-based technologies in accelerating the adoption of an SOA.
In order to avoid making WLAN administration a full-time headache, IT administrators who are deploying or extending enterprise WLANs must make sure that RF management is not an afterthought, but a priority. This paper will show you how to d...
sponsored by Enterprise Management Associates (EMA)
Gain insight into ITIL's CMDB, the drivers for adoption, potential pitfalls on the road to CMDB success, and best-practices guidance to organizations undertaking a CMDB initiative.
Requirements engineering is about more than just analyzing documenting requirements. It is an important and multifaceted part of systems engineering that broadens the product development process. Companies that successfully introduce a new requirements engineering process don't just change their process and technology; they change their thinking.
This presentation transcript, taken from the podcast of the same name, discusses what businesses can expect to see in the final 802.11n standard and how those "full 802.11n" differences will and won't impact this year's deployments. Read on to learn more about the upcoming changes in 802.11n.
How did the historic Kilkenny Castle go from being a completely un-networked site where only a few staff had Internet access to a completely networked site with 90% coverage around the castle? You'll have to read this to find out.