All Research Sponsored By:Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Introduction to Virtualization E-book, Chapter 5: Storage in the Virtualized World
EBOOK: In Chapter 5 of this E-book, you'll learn how storage virtualization can improve utilization rates, keep resource costs low and boost network performance for real-world and future applications.
Posted: 04 Aug 2009 | Published: 04 Aug 2009

Virtualizing the Infrastructure with Sun x86 Blades
ANALYST REPORT: This white paper looks at ongoing customer requirements for server platforms and a number of pain points that have developed in recent years, as computer systems have become packed more densely within the datacenter. Read on to learn how Sun Microsystems can help.
Posted: 22 Jul 2009 | Published: 01 Apr 2009

Best Practices for Migrating SAP Environments
WHITE PAPER: This Sun BluePrints™ article explains the process of moving an SAP environment from one system to another, and describes the resources and services available from Sun to assist users planning a migration.
Posted: 21 Jul 2009 | Published: 22 Jun 2009

Technology & Business from Sun and AMD
EZINE: Inside this magazine, you'll find stories explaining why AMD processor-powered Sun solutions for storage and archiving, Microsoft Exchange 2007 and other applications are receiving rave reviews from customers and analysts alike. There are also several exclusive offers...
Posted: 20 Jul 2009 | Published: 20 Jul 2009

Presentation Transcript: Flash Technology in HPC, Let the Revolution Begin
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: In this eSeminar transcript from Sun Microsystems, hosted by Tech Target, leading technical experts will discuss Flash technology and it's effect in the HPC environment.
Posted: 01 Jul 2009 | Published: 01 Jul 2009

Presentation Transcript: Open Storage and Solid State Disk: Addressing the Needs of Changing Economics
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: In this transcript, you'll learn about the newest advances in open storage and SSD technologies and find out about an innovative approach that combines these technologies to deliver fast, simple, innovative new tools for storage management.
Posted: 23 Apr 2009 | Published: 23 Apr 2009

Deploying DB2 database on the Sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage System
WHITE PAPER: Recognizing the need for easy-to-manage, eco-friendly, and scalable storage solutions that deliver exceptional business value, Sun created the Sun™ Storage 7000 Unified Storage Systems. These systems incorporate an open-systems approach that selects superior general-purpose servers and storage components.
Posted: 16 Apr 2009 | Published: 16 Apr 2009

Performance and Scalability Benchmark: Oracle Communications Billing and Revenue Management
WHITE PAPER: The Oracle Communications BRM application suite is a Tier 1, convergent billing framework that is architected for leading service providers. This white paper describes the performance and scalability results of Oracle Communications BRM 7.3.1 from the recent benchmark conducted at Sun Solutions Center in Paris and France.
Posted: 10 Mar 2009 | Published: 01 Jul 2008

Presentation Transcript: How to Economically Boost System and Application Performance with NAND Flash
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: Read this presentation transcript and learn how to optimize your storage infrastructure using the latest NAND technologies, HDD and DRAM.
Posted: 04 Mar 2009 | Published: 04 Mar 2009

Presentation Transcript: Questions about Solid State Storage Technology
PRESENTATION TRANSCRIPT: This document is based on a Sun Microsystems/TechTarget Webcast entitled "Questions About Solid State Storage Technology."
Posted: 19 Dec 2008 | Published: 19 Dec 2008

Solaris 10 Operating System Innovation Matters-Increase Business Efficiency and Lower Costs
WHITE PAPER: The Solaris OS is the strategic platform for today's demanding enterprise and is the only open operating system that has delivered proven results, running everything from mission-critical enterprise databases to high performance Web farms.
Posted: 02 Dec 2008 | Published: 27 Nov 2008

Minimizing Downtime in SAP Environments
WHITE PAPER: Learn how to use standard features of Solaris 10, Containers and Zones and ZFS to optimize your SAP data centre, virtualize your infrastructure and drive down cost and raise flexibility.
Posted: 13 Oct 2008 | Published: 07 Oct 2008