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The Essential Elements of a Modern B2B Architecture

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The B2B Buyer Persona Framework

With B2B insight, marketing can focus on clear business needs and value propositions and ensure that messaging is targeted and compelling.

In this B2B Buyer Persona Framework, explore:

  • How B2B buyers differ from B2C personas
  • B2B functional attributes
  • B2B emotive attributes
  • And much more

Save the exclusive Forrester framework here.

These are also closely related to: "The Essential Elements of a Modern B2B Architecture"

  • Tethering Brand and Buyer: Differentiating Your Brand in Evolving B2B Environments

    The digital space is more saturated now than ever for B2B marketers. As more vendors interact with prospects digitally (e.g., by email, social media, etc.) their messages are lost in the clutter because they fail to prioritize brand recognition in their sales and marketing strategies.

    You must build deep connections with buyers to differentiate your offerings in the crowded marketplace. But that’s easier said than done as B2B marketers face new challenges in obtaining audience insights.

    Discover in this TechTarget white paper the latest hurdles facing digital marketers in the B2B space, and learn how your organization can overcome them.

  • B2B for e-commerce leaders: Roadmap for success

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    Many have turned to advancing their B2B online selling strategies. But what exactly are the best ways companies can do this? What steps should you take to improve your e-commerce efforts?

    Access this guide to gain more insight into the current state of B2B e-commerce and discover:

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    • Key operational decisions to consider when planning your expansion

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  • Intent Data Revolution: Matching Use Cases for Maximum Impact

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  • Build a better webinar: Creating engaging titles

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  • Intent & The Demise of Dead-End Demand

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  • Drive More Pipeline with Better Data and Better Buyer Experiences

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  • Intent Data, Big Picture: What Really Matters and Why?

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  • Improving your webinars: Everything you need to know

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  • How to design better thumbnails for better webinars

    Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but every B2B marketer understands the value of well-designed imagery. When it comes to webinars, thumbnails do triple duty by outlining the topic, setting the tone, and generating interest. But how can something that looks so simple be so hard to do well? Watch this webinar to learn more.


  • Building Blocks for B2B ROI in Demand Generation

    In this webinar, take a dive into how to build your game plan for B2B ROI success within your demand generation strategy, and learn how to cultivate the ability quickly react when you get a 'block' that isn’t going to fit!
