Search Results for: local area network

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Wireless LAN (WLAN) Key Stepst o Success fully Migrate t o 802.11ac
In this white paper, uncover the 5 essential steps to follow when migrating to 802.11ac WLAN, the next-generation Wi-Fi.

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise

SDN-Lite: The New Way to Reduce Manual Tasks in the LAN
This issue of Network Evolution examines how network pros are using software-defined networking components, centralized management, automation, and policy enforcement to create LANs that are more flexible and easier to integrate.

TechTarget Networking

The performance enhancements of 802.11n access points
This E-Guide takes a look at the communications and security standards every IT administrator should be aware of. Uncover the performance enhancements of 802.11n, why it’s the go-to choice and how you can keep pace with the newest updates.

TOPICS: 802.11n
TechTarget Networking

Presentation Transcript: Redefining Storage Scalability for Cloud Computing and Big Data
View the solutions that have been developed for optimizing Big Data for private and public Cloud Computing, as well as setting a path to Exascale computing. Find solutions around how to remove Big Data storage scalability as the bottleneck in your workflow.

DataDirect Networks

Presentation Transcript: Wired and Wireless Network Infrastructures-- Planning Tips to Improve Network Performance and Reduce Costs
This presentation transcript, taken from the webcast of the same name, will help inform network designers, planners and installers of important considerations in planning to help them optimize combined network performance and reduce project costs. It will provide recommendations and tips for installing or upgrading a structured cabling plant.


Deploying a Wireless LAN
Many factors must be considered when planning for a WLAN deployment. This paper provides a starting point for posing questions to WLAN equipment and service vendors.


Managing Application Push in the Blackberry Enterprise Solution
In this webcast you will learn that application push is the process of remotely installing software on a BlackBerry smartphone.


Five Steps to Successfully Migrate to 802.11ac
802.11ac is quickly becoming the definitive standard for next-generation Wi-Fi. This brief resource counts down five essential steps that will help you successfully migrate to 802.11ac.

Aruba Networks

7 types of networks and their use cases
A computer network is an interconnected system of devices, represented as network nodes, that share information, data and resources among each other. Not all networks are the same. In this e-guide, learn about the seven most common types of networks, their benefits and use cases.


Clean Wireless: Adding security, performance, manageability and value to wireless deployments
Businesses want wireless now. So what's holding it up? The answer lies in ongoing IT concerns over: Wireless Security; Wireless Performance; Wireless Manageability; and Wireless Value. Read this brochure for an overview of these four important points.