The more systems become remote, the less secure they are. On face value a huge cliché – or truism - but sadly actually true. And sadly, for those running networks, something that is going to be truer – or more clichéd – as remote working continues to proliferate in the new normal of the hybrid mode of working.
If the growth of cloud computing and mobility has proven anything, it's that the legacy boundaries of the enterprise no longer exist. As a result, the traditional model of WAN optimization is changing too. Access this e-guide to discover if SD-WAN is right for your network.
In this podcast, Jeff Boles, Senior Analyst with the Taneja Group, outlines the significance of WAN optimization in the disaster recovery (DR) space.
This paper discusses how WAN deduplication works, and how it can be effectively deployed as a complement to existing storage deduplication solutions.
Access this whitepaper to learn about an optimized solution that mitigates the effects of the WAN and ensures customers can realize their business objectives.
SD-WAN offers promising benefits, like the ability to use multiple ISP links. But managing those links can prove challenging. That's where SD-WAN managed services can help. Learn more from CIO and research analyst John Burke in this e-guide.
In this expert e-guide, analyst Lee Doyle provides valuable insights into SD-WAN trends that are expected to see continuing growth in 2018. On the radar: The continued growth of SD-WAN managed services and support for IoT, Wi-Fi and mobility.
SD-WAN is revolutionizing the way employees connect to their networks. And this is great, but much of what SD-WAN has to offer can be improved with the implementation of a SASE architecture. Dive into this e-guide to get the scoop on why SD-WAN and SASE go together like PB&J.
Data center consolidation initiatives are continuing to push great volumes of traffic (including storage traffic) onto wide area networks (WANs). This E-Guide reveals how to use WAN optimization for bandwidth management and monitoring, and why it is critical to ensure optimal WAN performance.
Read this handbook to explore a handful of SD-WAN features, including traffic management and built-in analytics, and learn how to determine which features you need. Also, find out areas where vendor differentiation is lacking and where SD-WAN could use some help.