Remote Method Invocation Multimedia

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Safe & Secure: An Overview of Security Features In JBoss Application Platforms
sponsored by Red Hat
WEBCAST: Security is a critical element in JBoss Enterprise Middleware solutions. With built in security capabilities for password masking, access control, audit, and ongoing security patch management processes, Red Hat provides users with a tool set to ensure their applications remain secure throughout the entire development and deployment life cycle.
Posted: 08 Jul 2010 | Premiered: Jul 8, 2010

Red Hat

SQL Diagnostic Manager: 2 Week Complimentary Trial
sponsored by Idera
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD: To ensure optimal performance for your SQL Server, you need 24/7 monitoring to identify and diagnose issues quickly and effectively. Access a complimentary 14-day trial to SQL Diagnostic Manager.
Posted: 21 Jul 2014 | Premiered: 21 Jul 2014


AppDynamics Lite
sponsored by AppDynamics
TRIAL SOFTWARE: AppDynamics Lite troubleshoots java performance problems in production environments. It organizes an application into business transactions, helping identify slow, stalled, and failed transactions. The application is free. Download now.
Posted: 28 Jul 2010 | Premiered: 16 Jul 2010


Measuring Software Quality: Why Your Metrics Don't Make the Grade
sponsored by IBM
WEBCAST: What keeps your customers happy when it comes to software? Tune into this video to learn more about what you can do to improve your software  testing and quality assurance. It outlines the pros and cons of satisfied customers and what the means for your business. View this resource now to learn more about improving your software.
Posted: 23 Apr 2013 | Premiered: Apr 23, 2013


Java Insecurity: How to Deal with the Constant Vulnerabilities
sponsored by Lumension
WEBCAST: Access this on-demand webcast to hear from Randy Franklin Smith, from Ultimate Windows Security, as he discusses the wide-ranging Java security changes Oracle is promising to make. Also discover what you can do now to address Java security in your environment.
Posted: 06 Nov 2014 | Premiered: Nov 6, 2014


The State of the i
sponsored by Connectria
WEBCAST: Access this webcast to learn about the past, present and future of IBM i. Discover, through the use of real-life examples, how organizations have benefited from this system.
Posted: 22 May 2012 | Premiered: May 22, 2012


Understanding the Ins & Outs of Java Vulnerabilities and What to do About it
sponsored by Lumension
WEBCAST: Many companies are calling for the death of Java, citing too many security vulnerabilities and risks to keep the platform sustainable. View this on-demand webcast to find out how to eliminate as much exploitable surface area as possible on your critical endpoints.
Posted: 06 Nov 2014 | Premiered: Nov 6, 2014


Introduction to Blackberry® Java® Development
sponsored by BlackBerry
WEBCAST: The Blackberry® Java® Development Environment (BlackBerry JDE) is a fully integrated development environment and simulation tool for building Java Micro Edition (Java ME™) applications for Java-based Blackberry® smartphones.
Posted: 12 Jan 2009 | Premiered: Jan 12, 2009


ActiveGrid Enterprise Web 2.0 Version 2.0
sponsored by ActiveGrid, Inc.
TRIAL SOFTWARE: Discover how to build Web 2.0 applications quickly and easily. This download comes with everything you need to start creating service-oriented applications: built-in Web server, database, sample applications and a step-by-step tutorial.
Posted: 01 Nov 2006 | Premiered: 03 Aug 2006

ActiveGrid, Inc.

BlackBerry JDE Plug-in for Eclipse
sponsored by BlackBerry
SOFTWARE DOWNLOAD: The BlackBerry® JDE Plug-in for Eclipse® offers a familiar way to build and test rich mobile applications optimized for BlackBerry smartphones. Read on to learn more and to download the BlackBerry JDE Plug-in for Eclipse.
Posted: 03 Jun 2010 | Premiered: 24 May 2010
