All Research Sponsored By:Oversight Systems

The Oversight Spend Insights Report
EBOOK: This report analyzes patterns of fraud associated with missing receipts, a common early indicator of potential expense account abuse. Learn how AI can help identify these risks and protect your organization's resources. Read the full report to learn more.
Posted: 25 Jul 2024 | Published: 25 Jul 2024

The Oversight Spend Insights Report
RESEARCH CONTENT: According to a report released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, US credit card debt grew to over $1.13 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2023. This Oversight Spend Insights Report identifies emerging trends in spend management and share those findings so you can help your organization make smarter financial decisions. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 11 Jun 2024 | Published: 11 Jun 2024


AI Champion Module
VIDEO: AI has made its mark across industries and is here to stay. However, in order to use these solutions to their fullest potential, it’s critical to understand them first. So, what are the best and most secure ways to do so? Tune into this video to learn more.
Posted: 04 Apr 2024 | Premiered: 05 Apr 2024


Southwest Airlines Uses AI-powered Audit to Focus on What Matters
CASE STUDY: When working through an audit, manual processes can be tricky, time-consuming, and overwhelming. This was the case for Southwest Airlines, who sought out an innovative way that they could consolidate their information and automate their auditing operations. Tune into this video to learn more.
Posted: 01 Feb 2024 | Published: 01 Feb 2024


AI and AP The Changes, Challenges and Opportunities
WEBCAST: As the financial services industry continues its efforts to keep up with digital transformation, many organizations have turned to artificial intelligence and automation to help with their accounts payable (AP) processes. But what does this mean for AP professionals and their teams? Tune into this webinar to learn more.
Posted: 04 Oct 2023 | Premiered: Oct 5, 2023


Finding And Managing Spend Risk Requires Complete Visibility
RESEARCH CONTENT: With 56% of originations agreeing that their office of the CFO lacks the granular insights needed to optimize spend, it has become critical for financial teams to gain better knowledge of external spending on goods and services. However, without a spend optimization system, this can be hard. Browse this guide to learn more.
Posted: 13 Sep 2023 | Published: 13 Sep 2023


A Proactive Approach to Fraud Prevention
LANDING PAGE: When every payment contains some type of risk to a company’s bottom line, it’s critical to take a proactive and effective approach to fraud protection. Browse this case study to discover more.
Posted: 22 Aug 2023 | Published: 22 Aug 2023


Technology that is Changing the Financial Audit Function
PRODUCT OVERVIEW: For many, organizations will support finance transformation efforts by leveraging technology and AI to significantly reduce labor costs while improving the speed, accuracy, and action-ability of spend audit processes. However, while this strategy is effective, it isn’t always that simple. Browse this white paper to learn more.
Posted: 17 Aug 2023 | Published: 17 Aug 2023


White Cap Case Study
CASE STUDY: White Cap Construction Supply distributes construction materials to contractors across 450 branches. With so much infrastructure comes an equally large quantity of data. Read the case study now to learn how Oversight helped White Cap tighten up procure-to-pay operations and fight fraud.
Posted: 17 Aug 2023 | Published: 17 Aug 2023


Disarming Risks in Accounts Payable
EBOOK: As today’s finance teams work to improve their controls and reduce fraud, error, misconduct, and non-compliance, many have turned to AI for help. However, some organizations are hesitant to use this technology, especially when it comes to their accounts payable (AP) processes. Browse this e-book to learn more.
Posted: 16 Aug 2023 | Published: 16 Aug 2023


Texas A&M University Transforms Audit Process
CASE STUDY: As a major educational institution, Texas A&M University’s financial auditing team encountered challenges due to high transactional volumes and lengthy audit processes. By adopting Oversight’s solution, the
Posted: 16 Aug 2023 | Published: 16 Aug 2023


Is AI coming for YOUR job? (Spoiler alert: No!)
WHITE PAPER: While AI and automation can seem like scary, job-stealing technology, some organizations, and financial teams are finding that it’s the exact opposite. However, most companies aren’t completely convinced. Browse this white paper to learn more.
Posted: 15 Aug 2023 | Published: 15 Aug 2023


Artificial Intelligence – For FinanceProfessionals It’s The Natural Way Forward
WHITE PAPER: Due to AI’s capability to work without breaks and identify issues automatically, all achieved with 50-80% less effort, it’s no wonder so many financial teams have invested in automation tools for their processes. However, many professionals still don’t fully understand AI and its benefits. Access this white paper to learn more.
Posted: 12 Aug 2023 | Published: 12 Aug 2023


Texas A&M University Transforms Audit Process
CASE STUDY: As a major educational institution, Texas A&M University’s financial auditing team encountered challenges due to high transactional volumes and lengthy audit processes. By adopting Oversight’s solution, the
Posted: 11 Aug 2023 | Published: 16 Aug 2023


Creating a Culture of Compliance for Company-Issued Card Usage and Travel Expenses
WHITE PAPER: Despite the level of convenience that a company credit card can provide, many organizations find that it can increase the chances of non-compliant behavior, leading to a handful of challenges. So, how can your business best new policies? Access this white paper to learn more.
Posted: 10 Aug 2023 | Published: 10 Aug 2023


From Big Data to Better Insights
WHITE PAPER: This white paper provides insights on how you can enjoy the benefits of Big Data without having to pay high costs. Discover an approach that can speed return on investment and shorten deployment times so you can make better decisions for your business.
Posted: 06 Jul 2012 | Published: 06 Jul 2012