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A secure software lifecycle professional (SSLP) is any stakeholder who is responsible for building software with the goal of ensuring that the software built is not susceptible to security breaches. It must be understood that no software is 100% secure. However, software can be designed, developed, and deployed with a secure mindset, factoring in necessary security controls that minimize the likelihood of exposure and the impact if exploited. Read this white paper to learn the top ten best practices to help fulfill the SSLP’s mission of building hack-resilient software.

Best practices include:

  • Protect the Brand Your Customers Trust
  • Understand the Technology of the Software
  • Ensure Compliance to Governance, Regulations, and Privacy
  • Develop, design and deploy Software with Secure Features
  • Educate Yourself and Others on How to Build Secure Software
Feb 8, 2021
Dec 15, 2010
White Paper

This resource is no longer available.