Search Results for: security

Resolve Web Security Issues with Industry Experts' Advice
Learn how to bridge the communication divide between app developers and security pros, as well as foster secure coding practices in your enterprise to mitigate the vulnerabilities in your web applications.

Veracode, Inc.

How to Start Building an Enterprise Application Security Program
In this expert e-guide, get a handle on where to start with application security so that you never give attackers a chance.


Building an Application Security Program: Why Education is Key
Gain insight into what an application security program might look like as it develops and what experts have to say about what it could mean for the future of application development.


Build a Cohesive, Effective Security Strategy
Discover how to identify redundancy in your security tools in order to cut costs and increase efficiency. Plus, learn how you can effectively integrate global threat intelligence into your strategy to bolster your security arsenal.


How to Effectively Manage the Cloud Logs of Security Events
Discover the security growing pains created by the growth of cloud file sharing and collaboration services and how they are presenting new problems including "shadow cloud" and alert fatigue.


How do you solve a problem like security training?
In this E-Guide, we will the tricky topic of security awareness training. Firstly, we try to answer the burning question of how to get employees to pay attention to training and take it seriously. Then, we take a look at some security awareness best practices that you can use to craft training your users will actually benefit from.


Top Mobile Security Threats: Insight Into Threats and Attackers
Discover how IT can tackle the top modern mobile security threats by identifying vulnerabilities, integrating successfully with the cloud, and more.


Chapter 1: Security and Risk Management
In this 174-page chapter download from McGraw Hill, learn everything you need to know about the first domain, security and risk management, to help you excel at your CISSP exam.

McGraw Hill

Incident Response Tools Can Help Automate Your Security
A major security incident happening isn't a matter of "if", it's simply a matter of "when" for the modern business. This expert e-guide will lead you through the pillars of a solid incident response plan, how to automate your policy with incident response tools, and more.


Your IIoT Security Plan: Risks in Manufacturing
In this e-guide learn how to get smart about industrial IoT security risks in manufacturing, as well as how to map out an industrial IoT plan to create a smooth-running, smart factory.

Bayshore Networks