This white paper explains the differences between the VPN technologies and provides criteria for deciding whether you should replace your IPSec VPN with SSL VPN. It also presents a step-by-step, practical approach to implementing your replacement.
Network Access Control solutions are immature, with complex integration, inadequate inspection capabilities, and weak policy management. Read this white paper to learn how SSL VPNs allow for an effective dose of NAC with far fewer complicat...
Learn how to select the right application delivery infrastructure to provide secure remote access. Discover the 7 key requirements for remote access and the right questions to ask vendors during the selection process.
IT executives and their teams need a comprehensive and accurate view of IT services. A service catalog includes all relevant details about your services, including which service level agreements (SLAs) are associated with it, who is able to request it, how much it costs, and how to fulfill it. This paper describes the IT Infrastructure...
This paper explains how asset discovery, and AssetWise Discovery software, plays a vital role in raising help desk efficiency while maintaining customer satisfaction and resolving problems effectively.
In these tough economic times, how do you address the challenge of reducing costs without diminishing your service quality? Companies can lower costs significantly and meet the growing demand for services by taking a more holistic approach. This paper discusses the importance of taking a unified approach to service support management and...
Working harder simply won't get you there. No matter how many people you allocate, sinking more labor into old IT practices cannot concurrently meet rising demands on IT and cut costs. Read about cost-effective, automated ways to meet this challenge head-on in our latest article, Strategies for Modernizing IT, Reducing Costs, and..
This paper analyzes the impact of the cloud on the IT Ecosystem and provides answers to what an organization needs to do in embracing a right cloud strategy.