SAS technology has been proven to be the most versatile storage solution in data transfer and high performance. Read this white paper to learn about a solution that renders the necessary performance needed for your client's expanding market requirements.
Providers can leverage claims analytics to proactively manage denials and compliance risks. By identifying patterns like coding errors, analytics help refine processes to reduce denials and ensure claims meet regulations. Read the full white paper to learn how this data-driven approach strengthens financial stability and resilience.
Influenced by their consumer interactions, patients now expect easy, seamless, and personalized healthcare experiences.Gain insights from our major global research survey that show how healthcare providers are rethinking and repositioning contact centers in support of a reimagined PX.
Specialty pharmacies must adapt to drug pipeline and market shifts. This white paper presents 3 insights on future changes in specialty pharmacy models, including refining operations, pursuing value-based partnerships, and enhancing their value proposition. Access the full white paper for details.
Remote workforces are a growing trend that has documentation implications on your business processes. This paper explores that, placing special emphasis on a distributed capture strategy for resolving remote workforce-related issues.
The recent evolution of global radio frequency identification (RFID) standards is leading many manufacturers to accelerate their investigations of its potential. Read this report to explore how (RFID) technology can be used for high volume manufacturing.
Read this white paper to learn about new and innovative techniques and solutions can be used to combat fraud, and how you can realize a true return on investment by reducing losses from fraud exposure and increasing operational efficiency within your fraud prevention process.
Over the years this facility services and specialty construction firm (HVAC, electrical, plumbing and other building systems) has extended their ERP system to 500 employees, helping the company become one of the "100 Best Companies to Work For".
With technology infiltrating every aspect of healthcare, traditional approaches to power protection no longer suffice. This paper introduces a new hospital power protection model that leverages technologies and best practices forged in the data center.