Infrastructure Software White Papers

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Dynamic Initiators That Give You the Control You Need
sponsored by MVS Solutions
WHITE PAPER: This paper discusses the initiator requirements, and how ThruPut Manager optimizes and automates batch job queuing and initiation.
Posted: 21 Jan 2009 | Published: 21 Jan 2009

MVS Solutions

Enabling Developer Access to Production Data
sponsored by Voltage Security, Inc.
WHITE PAPER: With sophisticated key management, multiple integration options and a stateless architecture, SecureData enables enterprises to quickly secure their test and development application environments to ensure against the risk of data compromise.
Posted: 15 Dec 2008 | Published: 15 Dec 2008

Voltage Security, Inc.

IT@Intel: Using TCO to Determine PC Upgrade Cycles
sponsored by Intel Corporation
WHITE PAPER: At Intel, we've developed a comprehensive methodology, based on total cost of ownership (TCO), that lets us calculate the real cost of operating more than 90,000 PCs. Using it, we can understand the real cost of deploying and maintaining our PCs across varying time horizons.
Posted: 30 Jun 2009 | Published: 01 May 2009

Intel Corporation

Aligning Business and IT through Connected Requirements: Unifying the Development Process
sponsored by IBM
WHITE PAPER: Check out this white paper to learn how the connected-requirements approach serves as the framework for the use of products and technologies that are designed to allow you to optimize team performance, align the development process with your organization's business goals and meet auditing and regulatory compliance requirements.
Posted: 20 Feb 2009 | Published: 01 Oct 2008


Quicktour Demo: Key Differentiators between Microstrategy and Business Objects
sponsored by MicroStrategy
WHITE PAPER: This tour provides an overview of MicroStrategy platform's uniquely powerful enterprise business intelligence capabilities and illustrates the 12 key differentiators between MicroStrategy and Business Objects.
Posted: 26 Nov 2008 | Published: 26 Nov 2008


Vista SP1: What You Need to Know before You Deploy
sponsored by Global Knowledge
WHITE PAPER: The release of Windows Vista SP1 enables customers to take advantage of improvements that Microsoft and its partners have developed. It's a continuation of Microsoft and its partners' drive to provide the best experience possible.
Posted: 10 Dec 2008 | Published: 10 Dec 2008

Global Knowledge

Application Visibility and Monitoring: An Integrated Approach to Application Delivery
sponsored by BlueCoat
WHITE PAPER: It's no secret that application performance drives business performance. But to achieve the level of application performance your business demands, you need total visibility into your network infrastructure so you can identify and monitor all your applications and resolve the issues that impede performance.
Posted: 20 Apr 2009 | Published: 16 Apr 2009


Make the Right Database Investment
sponsored by Sybase, an SAP company
WHITE PAPER: This paper compares the TCO of Oracle11g and Sybase ASE 15 databases, and demonstrates Sybase as the clear winner. Read this paper to learn why enterprises choose Sybase ASE on Linux for mission-critical applications that demand lightning-fast performance.
Posted: 19 Jun 2009 | Published: 19 Jun 2009

Sybase, an SAP company

From Chaos to Order - Winning the Information Management Game
sponsored by Oracle Corporation
WHITE PAPER: This paper explores how businesses can capitalize on a free, easy-to-use, rapid web application tool for the Oracle Database that will help consolidate personal databases, spreadsheets, and other data to create a single point of truth for everyone in the company.
Posted: 04 Jun 2009 | Published: 21 Apr 2009

Oracle Corporation

Dell Equallogic PS Series and VMware View Enhance Virtual Desktop Project Success
sponsored by Dell and VMware
WHITE PAPER: Read this white paper to to learn how VMware View can help IT administrators decrease operating costs by centralizing management, data protection and security.
Posted: 10 Mar 2011 | Published: 10 Mar 2011

Dell and VMware