This brief video case study examines how United Airlines was able to consolidate its IT infrastructure and fuel customer experience success with the right service. Tune in to learn more now.
Embark on this interactive journey with the Innovators agents. They clearly show you how to think differently, act differently, communicate and collaborate in new ways - even while on the move - making you and your team more productive and connected.
In this video case study watch how amaZulu, an eco-friendly company that imports natural architectural materials from villages all around the world, uses Cisco technology to improve customer service and productivity.
This in-depth webcast, presented by Daniel Galecki, a software veteran and IT asset management guru, covers the IT transformation from a cost center to an IT service broker, and explains why analysts agree that chargeback is critical to the success of your cloud projects.
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition 6000 delivers the superior performance, system redundancy, and broad application integration you need. Ideally suited to businesses with 100 to 1000 employees, it's an ideal choice when migrating from analog, digital, or hybrid-PBX phone systems.
In this on-demand video case study, learn how the right technology partner enabled grocery store retailer TOPS Markets to seamlessly migrate its IT infrastructure during the busy retail season. Tune in to learn more now.
This video reveals the importance of mobile application testing and monitoring, and how IT professionals can perform tests remotely through real life mobile devices.
This video case study showcases a physician's practice implementing a phone system and reducing time required for appointment reminder calls from four hours to 15 minutes per day and achieving efficient contact with insurance companies.
This case study showcases how The Community Gateway Association (CGA) became the first housing association in England to be set up as a 'community gateway'.
This podcast introduces an interesting solution to address the concern of legitimate use cases that haven't made multicast routing any less cumbersome to implement. Find out how you can deploy multicast routing a lot simpler using this innovative technology.