All Research Sponsored By:Contrast Security

How Contrast helped BMW Shift Left their DevOps
CASE STUDY: Penetration tests can be expensive and time-consuming, an issue luxury car maker BMW realized very quickly when attempting to secure their massive number of apps. Discover how they were able to speed up their testing by shifting left with Contrast, which supports automated security tests throughout the entire software delivery lifecycle.
Posted: 23 Jul 2024 | Published: 23 Jul 2024

Defense-in-depth web AppSec: The case for having both RASP and WAF
WHITE PAPER: Explore the synergy of WAF and RASP for web application security in this white paper. Understand how a layered defense strategy effectively counters diverse threats. Read to learn about enhancing your security with WAF and RASP.
Posted: 09 Jul 2024 | Published: 09 Jul 2024

Contrast Protect your RASP solution
EBOOK: As security perimeters have expanded, traditional defenses are no longer enough. Learn how Contrast Protect can automatically harden your runtime, libraries, and open-source software to prevent exploits and secure your applications without developer effort. Read the e-book to discover this innovative runtime protection solution.
Posted: 09 Jul 2024 | Published: 09 Jul 2024

WAF and RASP: Raising the bar for application protection
EBOOK: Explore how combining Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) can provide comprehensive security against known and unknown vulnerabilities. Learn how RASP's runtime monitoring offers deeper protection than WAFs alone. Read the full e-book to learn more.
Posted: 09 Jul 2024 | Published: 09 Jul 2024

The Value of Runtime Application with Self-Protection
PRODUCT OVERVIEW: Traditional application security solutions lack visibility into runtime vulnerabilities, leading to ineffective threat detection and high false positives. Contrast Protect runtime application self-protection (RASP) provides accurate, embedded protection that reduces operational burden on security teams. Read the solution brief to learn more.
Posted: 09 Jul 2024 | Published: 09 Jul 2024

RASP vs WAF Comparison: Why You Need Both to Protect Your Web Applications
BLOG: WAFs and RASP tools have distinct capabilities that can complement each other to provide comprehensive web application security. Learn why using both is essential to protect against known and unknown threats. Read the full blog post to understand how these tools work together.
Posted: 09 Jul 2024 | Published: 09 Jul 2024

5 must-know facts about protecting production applications
PRODUCT OVERVIEW: 5 must-know facts about protecting production apps with Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) technology. RASP delivers lower costs, higher accuracy, and seamless protection for cloud and DevOps environments. Read the full product overview to learn more.
Posted: 09 Jul 2024 | Published: 09 Jul 2024

The Truth About AppSec False Positives
WHITE PAPER: Discover in this white paper how to avoid alert fatigue and how to escape the failures of legacy AppSec tools.
Posted: 06 Jun 2024 | Published: 06 Jun 2024


How Manual Application Vulnerability Management Delays Innovation and Increases Business Risk
EBOOK: Discover in this e-book what happens when speed and security forces collide, and find out what it means for organizations looking to update their security strategies.
Posted: 05 Jun 2024 | Published: 05 Jun 2024


A Comprehensive Approach to Analyzing and Protecting Software
EBOOK: Discover in this e-book how a unified AppSec platform that provides continuous and comprehensive security across the software development life cycle can free your organization from the “tool swamp”.
Posted: 05 Jun 2024 | Published: 05 Jun 2024


How to Stop and Spot a Zero Day Vulnerability
WEBCAST: The ability to spot a zero-day vulnerability enables security teams to protect their businesses from growing, complex cybersecurity threats. Contrast has developed an approach to protect against threats like command injection and cross-site scripting. Watch this webcast to view Contrast’s method for spotting and stopping zero-day vulnerabilities.
Posted: 04 Jun 2024 | Premiered: Jun 4, 2024


Contrast Security discovers Netflix OSS Genie bug that can lead to RCE during file upload
CASE STUDY: If you would like to see how Contrast Assess detects vulnerabilities in custom code and in third-party libraries and how you can protect running applications, check out this case study.
Posted: 01 Jun 2024 | Published: 01 Jun 2024


Modern Bank Heists Report 2024
RESEARCH CONTENT: With cyberattacks increasingly targeting financial institutions, modern bank heists can occur without a hint of noise. This annual report aims to shed light on the cybersecurity threats facing the financial sector, focusing on the changing behavior of cybercriminal cartels and the defensive shift of the financial sector. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 30 Jan 2024 | Published: 30 Jan 2024


Contrast Security and The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA)
WHITE PAPER: The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) went into effect in 2023, but do you know what is required from you to stay compliant? Explore this white paper to find out and learn how Contrast Security helps support DORA regulation.
Posted: 04 Nov 2023 | Published: 04 Nov 2023


Revolutionizing DAST with IAST: A New Era in Application Security
WHITE PAPER: While dynamic application security testing (DAST) has been a go-to AppSec testing technique for decades, it is not without its drawbacks. This is where interactive application security testing (IAST) comes into play, building off of DAST, but analyzing apps from the inside out, rather than from the outside in. Read this white paper to learn more.
Posted: 14 Jul 2023 | Published: 15 Jul 2023


Floor & Decor Ensures Comprehensive and Efficient Security with Contrast Security
CASE STUDY: By using Contrast Security solutions, Floor & Décor has been able to better identify, remediate, and avoid potentially impactful security events such as the Log4j/Log4Shell incident. In fact, the company’s applications were protected from the vulnerability even before it was publicly known. Access the case study to learn more.
Posted: 30 Jun 2023 | Published: 30 Jun 2023


Navigating turbulent times: How businesses will need to overcome adversity in 2023
WHITE PAPER: In the past few years, there have been several significant disruptions to global markets. With events creating uncertainty and fear, and with new technology emerging at a rapid pace, businesses must adapt, grow, and be more resilient than ever before. Read on to learn how to overcome these challenges with an enhanced security posture.
Posted: 01 Jun 2023 | Published: 01 Jun 2023


3 ways to recessionproof your application security program in 2023 with Contrast Assess
WHITE PAPER: When markets become unstable, businesses face uncertainties. This usually means that budgets are tighter, and some business processes may be disrupted. To compound the issue, even if an economic slowdown affects your business, it won’t affect cyber criminals. Read more to learn how to recession-proof your business in uncertain times.
Posted: 25 May 2023 | Published: 25 May 2023


Debunking the myths around RASP
BLOG: Can you separate RASP fact from fiction? This handy guide debunks the top 5 commonly-believed RASP myths. Put your AppSec knowledge to the test by reading on now.
Posted: 21 Apr 2023 | Published: 21 Apr 2023

Debunking IAST myths
BLOG: While Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) can help accelerate DevSecOps, some common misconceptions persist that can stymie even the most valiant of security testing efforts. This essential resource debunks 5 commonly-believed IAST myths.
Posted: 20 Apr 2023 | Published: 21 Apr 2023


How IAST helps observability of multiplying, complex apps
BLOG: In the age of observability, Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) has emerged as an essential security testing strategy. This resource examines how IAST helps observability of multiplying, complex apps, as well as the crucial role it plays in an effective security strategy.
Posted: 20 Apr 2023 | Published: 21 Apr 2023


AWS Differences between Active and Passive IAST and how to get the best of both worlds
WHITE PAPER: Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) is a relatively new technology that has caused a lot of confusion for not being clearly explained. This article sets out to clear the air. It will explain:What is IAST?What’s the difference between Active IAST & Passive IAST? Which approach is better for you?Access the paper here.
Posted: 16 Feb 2023 | Published: 16 Feb 2023


Avoid The Security Inconsistency Pitfalls Transitioning To Serverless
ANALYST REPORT: Serverless environments and applications are far from perfect. This Forrester report details the common issues with serverless architecture, where your organization is accountable, and what you can do to bolster security in your serverless environments. Read it here.
Posted: 02 Nov 2022 | Published: 02 Nov 2022


SAST vs. IAST: Picking the Right Tool for the Job
WEBCAST: Watch this webinar for a demo of static application security testing (SAST) and interactive application security testing (IAST) solutions and determine which is the right tool for your needs.
Posted: 28 Sep 2022 | Premiered: Sep 28, 2022


IDC TechBrief: Interactive Application Security Testing
WHITE PAPER: With modern application development operating at break-neck speeds, DevOps teams pressured by deadlines are often forced to compromise security for efficiency’s sake. This white paper examines the benefits of using interactive application security testing to mitigate the security risk and complexities of using DevSecOps. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 10 Sep 2022 | Published: 10 Sep 2022