All Research Sponsored By:Preempt Security

Insider Security Threats: What CISOs Can Do to Mitigate Them
EGUIDE: Insider security threats will always exist, but there are steps you can take to limit their impact. Discover how to implement technical access control and authentication to ensure only the right eyes are consuming sensitive data.
Posted: 07 Nov 2016 | Published: 01 Nov 2016

User Behavioral Analytics Tools Can Thwart Security Attacks
EGUIDE: Inside this expert e-guide, Johna Till Johnson explores the emerging world of User Behavioral Analytics (UBA) and how it can give you a clear view into what should, and what should not, be going on in your virtual environment. Inside you'll find a breakdown of the features a UBA provides, and a basic deployment plan to get your program running.
Posted: 31 Oct 2016 | Published: 31 Oct 2016