All Research Sponsored By:One Identity

How to get a better deal on cyber insurance through IAM
EBOOK: Cyber insurance is a key risk management tool, but obtaining favorable coverage requires a strong security posture. Learn how identity and access management (IAM) maturity can improve your cyber insurance terms and premiums. Read the full e-book to discover IAM best practices for securing better cyber insurance.
Posted: 10 Jul 2024 | Published: 10 Jul 2024

Protecting pipelines from hackers and the importance of privileged access management
WHITE PAPER: Securing CI/CD pipelines is critical to protect software development from hackers. This research discusses risks, vulnerabilities, and the importance of privileged access management. Implement robust authentication, least privilege access, and continuous monitoring to safeguard your CI/CD pipeline. Read the full research to learn more.
Posted: 10 Jul 2024 | Published: 10 Jul 2024

The role of privileged access management in meeting compliance and regulatory requirements eBook
EBOOK: Privileged Access Management (PAM) is essential for compliance and regulatory needs. PAM solutions offer detailed control over privileged accounts, enforce robust security, and provide auditing and monitoring. Discover how PAM aids in regulation compliance and data protection. Read the e-book for more.
Posted: 10 Jul 2024 | Published: 10 Jul 2024

Privilege access governance close the gap between privileged access and standard user identities
WHITE PAPER: Explore how to unify identity management and provisioning processes, eliminate silos, and simplify compliance with One Identity's Privileged Account Governance. Read the full white paper to learn more.
Posted: 10 Jul 2024 | Published: 10 Jul 2024

Cybersecurity resilience in an era of identity sprawl
WHITE PAPER: As a CISO, your concerns expressed to the board of directors about cybersecurity have been largely drowned out by macroeconomic challenges, pipeline complexity and a need to enable a drastic increase in remote access.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 12 Jun 2024

TOPICS:  Security

Strategies for successfully managing privileged accounts
WHITE PAPER: One of the most important aspects of an identity security program is the management and governance of the accounts belonging to superusers — privileged accounts.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 12 Jun 2024

TOPICS:  Security

Modernizing Security: Proactive PAM Solutions for Today
WHITE PAPER: In every enterprise IT environment, privileged accounts are instrumental in empowering administrators to manage the system effectively. However, the inherent risks associated with granting privileged access, as underscored in many of today's headlines, raise significant concerns for any organization, regardless of size or industry.
Posted: 12 Jun 2024 | Published: 12 Jun 2024

TOPICS:  Security

Access Control Tools for multi- vendor LoB Environments
ANALYST REPORT: Many organizations need solutions that cover a range of Line of Business (LoB) applications from different vendors, operated in varying models. This report provides an overview of the Access Control Tools market, focusing on environments involving SAP cloud applications and the need for support of other LoB applications. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 07 Jun 2024 | Published: 07 Jun 2024


10 Steps to Enhance the Agility, Security and Performance of Active Directory
WHITE PAPER: Microsoft Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD (AAD) bring organization and standards to how identity and account data is managed and stored. One Identity Active Roles unifies your AD and AAD environments and enables identity and account data to be managed with agility, security and speed. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 06 Jun 2024 | Published: 06 Jun 2024


Access Governance
ANALYST REPORT: The Access Governance (AG) market continues to evolve. Produced by KuppingerCole Analysts, this Leadership Compass will give an overview and insights into the Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) market, providing you with a compass to help you find the products that can meet your needs. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 06 Jun 2024 | Published: 06 Jun 2024


How to Manage SAP User Accounts and Access Rights with Identity Manager
WHITE PAPER: Learn how Identity Manager can streamline user administration for the SAP ecosystem, including on-premises and cloud offerings. Manage user identities, privileges and security across the enterprise with integrated IAM. Read this white paper to see the benefits.
Posted: 05 Jun 2024 | Published: 05 Jun 2024


Five Security and Productivity Risks of a Hybrid Workforce
EBOOK: The introduction of hybrid and remote workforces has ushered in a new era of digital business. But what security risks do you need to consider with hybrid work? In this e-book, One Identity investigates the 5 top reasons why implementing an IAM solution is critical to the success of your hybrid workforce. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 04 Jun 2024 | Published: 04 Jun 2024


4 Benefits of Just-In-Time (JIT) Privilege
WHITE PAPER: As the de facto authentication method for many enterprises, Active Directory (AD) is a consistent target for cybercriminals. Just-In-Time Privilege from One Identity is designed to protect within AD by removing access to those not currently using the privilege. Download this white paper to learn more about Just-In-Time Privilege.
Posted: 01 Jun 2024 | Published: 01 Jun 2024


A Guide for Identity Governance and Administration Programs
WHITE PAPER: Organizations are rapidly accruing new digital identities, leading to a demand for more sophisticated identity security. This white paper presents a guide for IGA programs, showing you how to implement an IGA program from beginning to end. Download the guide now to learn more.
Posted: 01 Jun 2024 | Published: 01 Jun 2024


Top ten Reasons to Achieve Data Access Governance
EBOOK: It’s time to use a secure data governance strategy to protect your sensitive data and reduce risk. This e-book explores 10 reasons to adopt a data access governance strategy. Download now to learn more.
Posted: 31 May 2024 | Published: 31 May 2024


Continuous Governance to Secure your Enterprise
EBOOK: Identities and access need to be managed in order to meet compliance standards and endure the long-term security of your organization. This e-book describes how your organization can achieve secure, continuous compliance through an identity governance framework. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 31 May 2024 | Published: 31 May 2024


SAP GRC Framework Integration with One Identity Manager
WHITE PAPER: Built in line with the SAP governance risk and compliance (GRC) Framework, One Identity Manager enables organizations to maintain a complete picture of all deployed and connected systems by reading and writing to the connected systems via connectors. Download the white paper to learn more about One Identity Manager.
Posted: 30 May 2024 | Published: 30 May 2024


How to Manage Unwanted guests in Azure Active Directory
WHITE PAPER: Guests in Azure Active Directory-controlled infrastructure need to be treated like the security threats they are. One Identity delivers unified identity security solutions that help customers strengthen their overall cybersecurity posture and protect the people, applications and data essential to business. Read on to learn more.
Posted: 30 May 2024 | Published: 30 May 2024


Stop Using Passwords
EBOOK: Most passwords are insecure, either being too easy to guess, or too readily shared.But what if your organization didn’t need passwords? Download this e-book to learn how a passwordless authentication platform works and see how it could reduce cyber risk in your organization.
Posted: 29 May 2024 | Published: 29 May 2024


Access Management
ANALYST REPORT: Download this 7-chapter KuppingerCole report to gain a comprehensive understanding of the current access management market, including a compass to help you navigate vendor claims and choose the solution most suitable for your company.
Posted: 29 May 2024 | Published: 29 May 2024


SAP Customer Stories
CASE STUDY: Modern employees expect to get access to the information they need anywhere and at any time. This case study compiles 6 stories of organizations that simplified IAM for SAP and other platforms with a certified solution from One Identity. Download now to learn more.
Posted: 24 May 2024 | Published: 24 May 2024


Unveiling the True Potential of Identity: Strengthening Security through Complementary Practices
EBOOK: Download this report and learn why, in today's evolving threat landscape, a complimentary approach to identity governance and Privileged Access Management is vital for organizations seeking to maintain a secure and compliant environment.
Posted: 17 Apr 2024 | Published: 17 Apr 2024

TOPICS:  Access Control

Controlling and Managing Privileged Access
WHITE PAPER: Download this report and learn the risks associated with privileged access, and explains how solutions from One Identity mitigate those risks with granular access control and accountability.
Posted: 17 Apr 2024 | Published: 17 Apr 2024

TOPICS:  Access Control

Privileged Access Management
ANALYST REPORT: Read this comprehensive overview of the Privileged Access Management (PAM) market including vendor capabilities, product ratings and market leadership analysis from KuppingerCole. Discover leading PAM solutions to help secure privileged access across endpoints, servers, applications and cloud.
Posted: 17 Apr 2024 | Published: 17 Apr 2024

TOPICS:  Access Control

Azure Active Directory vs. Classic AD
ESSENTIAL GUIDE: Jump into this E-Guide to find out how to pinpoint the differences between the Microsoft Azure edition of Active Directory and the classic Windows Active Directory – and how to use those differences to your enterprise's advantage.
Posted: 13 Mar 2019 | Published: 11 Mar 2019